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Reviews for "Buy Wards You Feeders"


RetroSleep responds:


I really don't understand why people rated it low, it was basically a public service announcement for a certain type of player in LoL.

Kinda funny that people get bent out of have about something in the form of a sex-driven commercial.

Anyways, grats on making something I can't get out of my head.

Ps. People: Source links are convenient, but don't rage or blam about some link to credit not being provided by the author when said author is not claiming originality or ownership of something like the song used.

RetroSleep responds:

Ehh, people are rating it low because they want to "take the high road" and claim they want to see more story driven content and videos with substance, though I make those too (I like them more than this video) and they don't seem to care about it. Some people just like to complain.

Thank you for the grats. I'm glad you liked it! I'll have more stuff out soon.

Man, those japanese people need to seriously come down from their trip...

In all seriousness though, pretty decent animation. Overused clichée.

3/5 would fap again.

RetroSleep responds:

I'm glad I'm not a one night stand for you, less clichée more pretty decent animation next time, I promise.

This was horribly disturbing, but then again, it's NewGrounds.
Not expecting weird assholes into jerking off to cartoon tits here is like not expecting a baseball to hit you in the face when the ball is 3 millimeters away from you.

RetroSleep responds:

3 millimeters away from you, at a baseball field.

Epic. keep it up. you obviously know what your doing and what type of audience your catering for. Plus it gets better when you watch it again!

RetroSleep responds:

Thanks, I actually dont want to keep making fan service music videos though so I'm glad you like re-watching this one! Cause I might not do another for a long time lol. I want to do a funny short series or something, same style though.