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Reviews for "Tek Tactical"

Has some bugs that need to be worked out. The most frustrating bug is when trying to access the Equipment menu; the menu won't load and will prevent you from clicking on anything else.

I see this game and it frustrates the hell out of me. Not because it's frustrating, in fact the difficulty seems great with the amount of customizable ways to modify the game to your liking. It's just that it's one of those games where you think "How could a game this good be so bad?"

Let me explain. You do so many things right and have so many great innovations. The ad credits system is pure genius. There are tons of ways to customize and upgrade (though sadly they seem to unlock JUST slightly too slow to keep that euphoria feeling of exploring all the options going for what seems like it could have been forever). Most of these extra features I don't even have to use if I don't want to because the game will play just fine without them. Did I mention how many features there are? There's more features then there are dead brain cells in Justin Beiber's head.

But then, it all falls apart spectacularly. The help system is minimal at best, giving me the controls but leaving me to figure out why that grenade launcher won't attach onto the carbine or what increasing each stat does for myself. The gameplay is completely generic and puts a ridiculously high favor on pre-battle prep than on execution. Sure a game can be good and even sometimes made better with a focus on preparing for a battle, but in this game it's so easy to perform the best you possibly can during combat that the game starts to expect you to do just that. For all the different features it seems as if combat plays very similar no matter whether you a bringing a magnum or a rifle. All of these upgrades just seem to be generic stat boosts which are very hard to notice even if they eventually end up helping a ton. How about for skills I instead of getting stat boosts get active abilities such as placing a crate that can noticeably change how the game plays?

And then there are the bugs which seem to happen at random. Using the latest Firefox out of Linux (Mint, if that helps) the quit button from in-game didn't work, my skills never showed up in the after-battle loot menu, save data worked okay until I refreshed the game and the equipment menu bug are what I have encountered so far. I don't have a video capture program to show what lead up to me getting the equipment bug but I do have a screenshot I took of it:
Don't know if it will help, but what the hell I might as well.

I didn't read on how you are affiliated with ESP animations or if you are ESP animations, but this game's flaws remind me far too much of Deadswitch's. My advice: put this into open beta or a closed beta with a large sample size, take criticism for a month or so and re-release it. I realize the odds of you actually doing this are near zero but this game is suffering rating wise from problems that will likely be fixed later on and by the time the game is at its best it will have dropped from the front page into obscurity with a three to four star rating that has it showing on a page very far back in the game categories that no one will ever visit.

A little disclaimer: I probably should have played this game a little more to confirm everything in this review, but due to bugs causing me to refresh the page and my save data wiping on refresh I gave up.

tedgaming responds:

The game was actually tested pretty thoroughly but a bunch of the new bugs only came up after adding in the newgrounds features. It's not necessarily newgrounds fault, if anything, I want to blame flash. I finally found some of the bugs and apparently flash is making certain variable identifiers disappear (but not the object itself), causing these mounds of errors. It also doesn't help that newgrounds happened to undergo a change on the game's release date that currently doesn't allow me to update the game file with bug fixes. With that in mind, maybe this game will get a re-release after these problems are resolved. So in a sense, this is kinda like an open beta.

I thought this game would be good, and played it for a while, but its boring and typical.

ok this game has a lot of work but result is not good
mostly, letters are unreadable, nafigation difficult, playability boring, sorry

I find this game boring and monotonous. There are only so many ways you can kill the same three guys in the same small room time and time again. I can appreciate all the effort that went into the rpg-like system, investments, market, etc... But the core game has you do exactly the same thing over and over and over again with very little change or challenge - Although, I'm sure 13-year old me would've played this game for six hours straight without complaint.

In addition, there doesn't seem to be a way to change the quality, and the active HUD is very pixellated and hard to read in full-screen.

Better than most, but still not very good.