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Reviews for "Valthirian Arc 2"

Very good.
Would be quite cool to have a way to "favorite" certain students though, to keep them to one side, so you don't accidentally sell them, and they come up at the top the list for questing. :)

I feel like the first one was better. Actually the first one is probably in my top 5 NG games of all time. Music was far better, combat felt more flowing and fast. Load times were pretty much absent. There are some bugs with the sound some time in this one. I'm not just sure about it... :/

It would be nice to have an income window where we could see how much we need to pay tutors monthly fee.

its be better if we can change the quality after had 96 student is soo laggy >.<

Let me begin first off by saying that this improved upon its prequel in practically every way. It has a great concept and is very entertaining and in-depth.

Style-wise it was good, though I found the same two anime faces staring unblinking at me with their candy colored hair and blood-red eyes unsettling. Again, I thought it improved on the prequel by having the change in class affect the wardrobe rather than just having a preset image for each class, but it managed to be a bit eerie nonetheless. The joke item inclusions were a little eh. I suppose I'd have been more bothered by them if they made any visible change in the character's appearance.

I thought it a little surprising that it was only Magi that had dual progression into Scholarsage and Medica. It seemed like Knight and Scout both had room for dual progression. I kind of found it a little disappointing to end up leaving the "scout" type character behind for arquebusier, for instance, instead of having some other sort of rogueish option available.

I rather liked the ability to keep graduated students as mentors, particularly in finding utility for mundane students or those with less desireable traits. Perhaps if you do another one, it would be possible to expand on the teaching aspect, invest and specialize in teachers.

The inability to control the group more effectively became very frustrating when softer classes would stay behind and get slaughtered, particularly on the Chancellor fight where it became essential to pull characters out of the way of his insta-kill AoE attack. It felt like the characters' combat was kind of a throw-them-at-stuff and occasionally press the ultmate button, and each level tended to end kind of anticlimactically. I get that it's definitely hard to manage more complex abilities in a real-time fashion, but it's something to think about.

It had several technical problems. One of the technical problems I found particularly frustrating at higher levels when trying to get the 'strategist' achievements is that it would frequently freeze the game up when increasing class. Fortunately, the autosave is very good and the inconvenience is relatively minor. Another one was that it would turn off music volume kind of randomly. I checked to make sure it wasn't just me pushing a button accidentally, and it would occasionally start like that when reloaded.

Another technical problem was that it was really screwy about resizing in the frame at either Newgrounds or Arcadebomb, and would not allow me to access it in its own window via the ungrounded link. It also had issue with demolishing buildings, though this was always rectified when the game refreshed.

The management of very large numbers of students later in the game became a bit cumbersome and tedious, in future versions I hope that more tools are employed to help manage this, but it was very rewarding to see one's academy grow and progress. I would have liked to see more personal touches to one's academy, such as color scheme, crest, and the attributes of the principal themselves.

All-in-all, the technical gripes are minor, the art style is cohesive, and it gives you hours of fun gameplay. Excellent work, I hope you all decide to keep going with this concept!