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Reviews for "Sentry Knight"

Almost right from the get go I was going to complain that the game seemed too difficult, as the tougher enemies were shrugging off my arrows like toothpicks, but having now played through the game, and never actually having lost a level, (Granted I did replay a couple levels to get that third star, so those extra levels probably helped a lot) the game was pretty good! While the tougher enemies can seem kind of overbearing at first, careful use of Magic and Blood Heals makes it all possible in the end.
The magic added a nice strategic element, and made lots of pretty colours to boot!
The most prominent issues that came up for me, were the repeated "Upgrade at the Blacksmith?" popup after every level, and aiming the magic. The Ice spells in particular, Frigid Blast feels like it starts a little behind the cursor and I couldn't quite understand the hit box for the Ice Stalagmites.

dude, i killed the sheep i didn't knew it was friendly i thought it was gonna throw the gold... :S

:I didn't mean to shoot the Sheep! it was an accident! this game was great, i love the skill leveling tree, the enemy's and the world map! this was a point and shoot game, but it was addicting and love the HP and Leveling features in there, it makes me wanna play more and level more! the point of the game is to protect your tower and making sure no monsters pass and break your tower, careful of the sheep! and make sure you get it! (not kill it) if you want some extra cash! check out the lets play i did!


Why I need to start the game from level 1 every time ?

This EpicMooCow guy is kidding right?... "I haven't played half of the game but I'll complain about these things I have no clue about anyway."... kthx.

Bug report though. When the High Elf uses his/her(?) shield and you use the arctic gust to move her the shield effect wears off instantly even though the animation of it is still active, I imagine this is unintended. Besides that the suicide runners are extremely unforgiving when trying to 3-star missions but I guess that's intended x.x

Besides that, after every mission you get asked to visit the blacksmith in a separate pop-up and the blacksmith icon itself becomes unclickable, this seems extremely redundant. If I'd want to visit the blacksmith I'd click on the blacksmith, right? It'd also be useful to have gold count shown in the mission-select screen to see if it's any use to go to the blacksmith or not.

Variety is good, pacing is good, graphical design is good, enemy and skilltree design is good, balancing is good, atmosphere is consistent and good, you lose a point for the advertisements but times are hard so I'll forgive you. Great game, keep it up.