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Reviews for "Chicken Chaser"

It is fun but there are too many glitches. In some stages I kill everyone but it will not let me progress. And in other stages there are aliens on the screen but they cannot harm me nor can i kill them. Because of this the clock runs and I cannot progress.

everything is great but the loading takes forever why is loading even existed

Reasonably decent Dad 'N' Me knockoff with some frustrating difficulty spikes near the end. Why do I compare it to Dad 'n' Me rather than Castle Crashers? Simple. No upgrades. It would have collectible coins when you kill enemies and then something to spend them on, but I can respect an oldschool brawler that doesn't feel the need to shoehorn in RPG elements. So how does it stack up against classic Brawlers? Well... not perfectly.

On the plus side, the controls were decent and responsive. I liked how you slid in the ink puddles, though I could never tell if double-tapping made me faster or not. Core combat was just deep enough that you'd think you don't even need Strong Attack at all until you try it and realize it's your throw. Most big bruiser enemies are dealt with in the same way, by moving vertically and occasionally chipping away at them, but I LOVED the octopus boss, whose attacks were juuuuuust the right difficulty to dodge, and looked great besides.

I lost my patience and quit during the star planet. Too bad because those guys were cute. But there was literally nothing I could do to improve my performance. There is literally no rhyme or reason for when that orbiting star fucker appears. Sometimes it's 5 seconds after you see him zoom by in the background, sometimes it's one second. Sometimes he attacks where you are, sometimes he attacks where you're going to be. Every single time I got hit, it was because I didn't understand where the hit was going to come from until it was too late. Left and right side I was able to deal with, but not all the other randomness, and doing it during a fight was just plain unfair. Timing didn't help, reflexes didn't help. The only way to fix it would be to make that "swoop" sound like when it comes in from the left, every time, even when it's coming from the right. Would that make it too easy? Probably, but I don't care. When a suspicious number of enemies in a row mysteriously don't have hearts, you start to feel like the game is just cheating.

Garbage Collection didn't seem to be a show-stopping issue on my MacBook Pro, which is rare for a Flash game this action-oriented, and one that uses large scrolling backgrounds, even. That said, there was still some consistent chugging throughout the game. Things which seemed like they would be super-smooth and cyclical on a console game instead stuttered along at about 5-10 frames per second. There might have been no way around this without rasterizing the graphics.

The theme was cute and absurd when it worked, unfortunately it didn't always work. 90% of all the best jokes, I felt like I'd already laughed harder when Dr. Zoidberg did them. Why are there sea monster aliens in the desert? Is that the joke? Each level has its own setpieces, but many of them reuse their one gimmick over and over again (puddles, ink, TNT,) to the point where you'll start to wonder why there isn't something novel in the middle of the stage to break it up. A treehouse or a mine cart or something. Basically more gimmicks per level. Brawlers as far back as Ninja Turtles have been training us to expect more. I realize how unfair that is, and maybe it's not a valid criticism. This game does more than a lot of Flash Brawlers, and I had time to appreciate how responsive and intuitive the controls were in the first few stages. I was having a great time up through the end of the Octopus battle. But then the desert stage felt phoned-in and the Star level was keyboard-throwingly difficult for reasons that seem to have nothing to do with your ability to play the game well. Points for effort. But Castle Crashers, it ain't.

Pretty cool game for being free to play. I set the controls for my gamepad, instead of using the keyboard. I see some of the reviews are asking for features other paid games offer, like upgrades, weapons, stores, more levels. Maybe you can take the suggestions and polish it up for sale. Nice programming!

OMG THE MUSIC AWSUM! great work all around, awsum game!