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Reviews for "Spirit Cave"

My reaction to the fairy's death should probably not have been "oh thank God, I don't have to drag that thing along anymore."

You've got a nice concept here, but your controls are terrible. The WASD controls are a bit slow, but that's largely forgiveable; the complete and utter unresponsiveness of the fairy to the mouseclicks, however, is less so. I had massive difficulties navigating the fairy through the cave; every time I clicked, the fairy would kind of halfheartedly meander towards it, and then stop well before it reached my cursor's location. The first time I tried to play this I quit out of frustration, and I almost did so several times during my second try; I don't think I'm likely to try to get the other path, because the mouse controls are so unresponsive.

You get props for having a mute button, but the fact that the mute button is a necessity to actually be able to play this game does you no favors. The popping staticky noise is just really obnoxious, and gets old within a few seconds of hearing it.

All in all, it's a nice try with a good atmosphere, but the controls and music make it incredibly frustrating to actually play.

Though the concept was touching, the gameplay itself could have been better. It was pretty much just walking around, some jumping, which got boring really fast. Obstacles could have been added to make the game challenging. The music could have been particularly more emotional, something with more feeling. It wasn't bad but I think there's a lot of room for improvements.

I understand what you were trying to do with this but please understand not everyone has a very high detailed monitor. The game is too dark at some points to accurately see what you're doing so it looks like you're just running into an invisible wall in the dark. Also a lot of games in this ludum challenge get a lot of unnecessary praise for seeming like a classic game, and while I have found some of them to be fun and enjoyable.
this game just seems empty and void of any real purpose. Right of the bat I don't feel any motive to explore this cave any further.
This just seems rushed is all /:
still a nice game but maybe its just not for me? so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt

The game functions I had no issues on that front and the animation style was nice to see again but overall the game was just alright. it was made in 48 hours which is impressive my advice is if you want to make games like this where there are x amount of characters that become attached to each other there are games out there done way better but for a reason time was taken to properly do it all. The bonding, characters, setting, history ect. you can look at the walking dead series, the last of us, there is this one game with 2 brother that you control one with one of half of the controller and the other with the other half, other inspiration out there as well. I'm just saying this if you want to take the creation of games and turn it into a career. That's all I have to say take my advice or go elsewhere in life the choice is yours.

Yeah, stopped working after fairy and human level started... fairy won't move