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Reviews for "Scott Pilgay"

Eh, the voicework was alright.

I've noticed a lot of people looking at this and saying "I don't get it" or "there's no joke you're just bashing it"

This is an overdub of a comic made by hotdiggedydemon (max gilardi) for those who either didn't read the credits OR didn't bother to search the comic.
The "joke" is about something Max dubbed "sameface syndrome" in which the artstyle of a comic or show does not vary creatively between character designs, particularly the expressions of the characters (this is prevalent in shows such as the simpsons or almost any disney channel show, though the simpsons gets a free pass for novelty's sake) Furthermore, the comic was meant to portray how very flat and (quite frankly) douchey/boring almost all the characters in scott pilgrim are.

I can already hear the hordes of the damned angrily screaming "SCOTT PILGRIM IS AWESOME AND FUNNY AND INTERESTING AND RELATABLE AND YOU'RE JUST A HATER"

I know scott pilgrim has a huge fanbase, but.. I dunno. Sorry.

As was once said on game grumps:
"Explaining a joke is a lot like dissecting a frog; You can pick it apart and see what it's made of, but it'll probably die in the process"

In other news, I'm just as much of a hipster douche as all of you

Carbonwater responds:


Honestly I'm suprised this only has 3 stars, as it stayed faithful to Max Gilardi's original comic (which is my favorite comic on his site by the way). Though i was waiting for Hotdiggedydemon to animate it, I guess this is fine too. The Ren and Stimpy music fit very well, along with the repetitive voices of characters. But the characters' mouths and overall lip syncing looked, well, creepy.

sweet description

I love Scott Pilgrim to death, but even I have to admit this is pretty much true in some cases, at least.
Lovely animation, great remarks. Keep it up.

So I was watching your flash, it's humorous.The flash wasn't laugh out loud funny, but you made a good joke. I think it was a good flash. Then I read the comments... "your opinion sux" "There is no joke in this?" "flat out insulting!"... If there was an award for receiving undeserved criticism you would have it twice. These comments are hilarious. Sir, keep doing what you're doing. Commentator's, this isn't a hate rally, go back to the klan meetings.

Carbonwater responds:

Hating on the internet.
All day erry day.