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Reviews for "Social Media Generation"

I have a cell phone, but I resent it.

I use facebook to talk with friends who have moved away, and then only irregularly. I also use it to share interesting things on the web, such at this animation. "Look at these things!" I say. I think it means that I do not concentrate on myself, but I wonder if I am so different after all. Am I trying to get other people to acknowledge me through acknowledging something else? I do not believe so...

I am happy that I do not have a twitter account, as the idea of sharing constant "status updates" about my thoughts is revolting to me. I am comfortable going more than an hour without meaningful human interaction, even days, if nothing presents itself. Occasionally, I do wish to talk to another human being, but half the time they are staring at their cellphones and have earbuds in their ears. Is social media killing social interaction?

For better or worse, I intend to share this on facebook. I'm part of the shrinking minority that believes communication is about provoking meaningful thought in another entity, instead of affirming one's own existence. Vote me down, vote me up, skim me over, whatever. I am aware that I am shouting into the dark, and I do not expect even an echo. I do not need to know whether I impact somebody to make my actions, and even my existence worthwhile

You did a good job capturing the scary-true effect that these networks have on our society.

Additionally, the thing about "likes." Some people treat and refer to them like a precious commodity, mentioning them as if they're important in some way. There are even Facebook pages created for nothing more than "likes," where people trick people into commenting, sharing or liking their shit, just for the empty satisfaction.

It's also prevalent on Youtube--there are people who post just for people to "like" their comment. "Like my comment if [something something]!"
Or then there's the common need for others' approval on something:
"Anyone else notice/think/do [some thing pertaining to the video]?"
I've even seen, or had people say "lol ur just jealous because they have more likes than you," projecting their piddly sense of value onto someone else.

this should be rated T instead of E
because of the junkie scene

Well, I'm not an adult, but I'm still guilty of this. Gotta agree people on social networking sites are like this for the most part.

Nice! I don't got fb or twita so yeeee :P