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Reviews for "Evil Forest"

A great roguelike game with a fantastic variety of items. The difficulty is great for this kind of thing as well! I see a lot of influence from Binding of Isaac for both those things, which is actually really great in my opinion.

Some things that I really feel could help benefit the game is

1. An Endless mode (Either choosable right off the bat or giving you an option to continue after you finish the game)
2. An even greater variety of items. What's available already is great, but it's hard to have too many different items in a game like this.
3. The movement is a bit clunky and glitchy, and the game lags easily with more than 4 or 5 enemies on screen. If both these were fixed up, that'd add massive points to the game.

I really hope you get a front page, you deserve it!

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thank you!
I agree with pretty much all your feedback and hopefully I'll be able to do much better with my future projects. I've made a lot of mistakes with this game, but I've learned a lot! Oh, and yes, the Binding of Isaac was a major influence. I'm a HUGE fan!
Thanks for the nice score and the constructive criticism! :)

I really liked this game. I can recognize the graphics from your previous games. I do think the title could have been better. I was thinking the resolution was too high, but it was apparently already set at the lowest it looked like. I don't undestand that teleporting thing. I think it just takes you everywhere.

I like how straightforward the game is. You mostly just hack your way through numerous enemies. They're pretty unique and have different attack styles. I like the red thing that gets you out of the level. This was fun and creative.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Glad you like the game! The teleport block takes you to a random location in the room. It's just there to make things interesting and change things up a bit, I think I could have perhaps found a better use for it though. The quality is set to low, because the game tends to lag a lot on most computers. It runs fine on mine, but I've heard a lot of complaints about it, so I just set the quality to low for everyone. I had a lot of trouble with optimization... wish my coding skills were better, or that I had an aweosme coder to do all that stuff for me :P ...anyway, thanks a lot for the review and the nice score! :)

I really enjoyed this; I managed to get to the first boss while the Smudge Stick was equipped, so I beat that one with only 1 health. Of course, the very next level I died, so...

SeethingSwarm responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! Heh, the Smudge Stick really helped you out there! Sorry to hear about your demise, but the game is meant to be a challenge, and every time you start over, the game is different with different enemies, levels, items etc.

This is one of my favorite flash games. The different equipment options make the game worth replaying without being so complex as to require a walk through to optimize. I noticed that it is possible to defeat the necromancer without destroying the crystal and it seems like a missed opportunity to not have a second ending where the player either is corrupted by the crystal or uses it for something else, but I might have missed something. Regardless it is a wonderful game.

Great game-I've been lurking on Newgrounds for over a decade, but registered today because I wanted to share a review with you. The art style, variety of opponent behaviors, variety of environmental obstacles, humor provided by the items, movement and hit detection are all very good.
My first play through was my favorite, and I've been playing the last week or so trying to recreate that experience. I kept getting "return to level 1" scrolls, which allowed me to play through level 49 and then bounce back to continue trying new weapons and improve my character. Since then, I've rarely seen those scrolls and I've not again had the opportunity to return to level 1 more than once per play. An "unlimited" or "endless" option to this game would be a wonderful addition.
Since I've been returning to this game so often, I've also noticed that every 5th, 15th, 25th, 35th and 45th stage is the game shop. Unless I've used a scroll, I've never had enough gold to make use of the stage 5 shop, so this is a complete waste. Three ways I would improve on the shop: 1) Don't make them count for a stage. This needlessly shortens the game. 2) Have them appear every 9th stage, just before a boss. This will allow players more opportunities to save up gold so they can actually purchase the goodies. 3) Don't generate the items for sale via the same random mechanics experienced within the other stages. Have the first item always be a weapon or a spell, have the second item always be an armor and the third item some kind of... well... item.
Thanks again for the great game!

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks for taking the time to write a review with very helpful feedback! It's great to hear from people like you and I'm so glad you like the game. I agree with pretty much all your suggestions for improvement and I will definitely keep them in mind for future projects. Thank you! :)