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Reviews for "Zim-Man"

You're smart, uncle Anonindie! I was in peril by that ferocious charging black teenager!

A simple little game but a great satire of current events. I love it.

5 stars.
Rage more, gracik and damien.

Wow... a very interesting game. I like the contrast between the super hero imagery on the splash screen, and the pixel graphics on the actual gameplay screen. It kind of contrasts Zim-Man being a hero in his own mind vs. the stark reality of the situation.

I feel that for the most part this game offers a very accurate depiction of what we know of the events that led up to a tragic event that then led up to a tragic trial. It's maybe a little weird that the black pixel can't hurt you, as the real life trial seemed to indicate that the real life Zim-Man was in some actual danger, but everything else in the game seems to be a pretty accurate, if somewhat coarse, representation of what actually transpired.

I'm a little too cowardly to give this game a full five stars, just because it is such a hot button topic and I frankly can't say that I had that much "fun" playing it, but I feel that the game designer created a very interesting piece that allows players to explore a real world event on a procedural level. I feel that it would be an easy trap to make a game on this subject tasteless, but the stark simplicity of the game I feel actually provides it with a fair amount of class; there is nothing too gratuitous in there, at least by my perspective.

My favorite moment: the long, drawn out fade to black after the gun fire. A moment where I wasn't sure what to do next. Run away? Do Nothing? Or, the most frightening thought that crossed my mind... shoot him again? After doing the deed, all I desperately wanted was to make it go away; take me to another screen, give me a new objective, anything, I just wanted to not be thinking about what I had just done. I imagine a similar sensation, of time seeming to slow down and losing a sense of direction, probably befalls people who've made an irreconcilable error in real life, and it was fascinating having the opportunity to experience it.

I can easily understand how this game could be quite upsetting for some, but for me, I found it to be an intriguing opportunity to "live" the events that occurred immediately prior to a great tragedy. Although this is perhaps an overly optimistic assessment, perhaps if more people made games like this (and more people played them), in might help foster empathy, understanding, and awareness, which in turn could only help to lessen the amount of tragedy in the real world.

It would be nice, at least.

Well this game makes it pretty obvious that 90% of the members here are kids, or just people that don't pay attention to the media at all. Or just simply live under a rock. (Just read all the comments and you'll understand my point) I guess this game does put a different spin on the whole Zimmerman trial. Such as everyone's view on Zimmerman changes by what started the actual fight.

I do have to say that I don't like you stating Zimmerman was white, when he was actually Hispanic. (Also pointed out by another comment below mine) I guess your just mimicking the mainstream media, by just manipulating the facts just for your gain. In your case, to gain views, ratings and comments.