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I wouldn't rate it as bad as many people below me did, but there are a few things lacking.
Okay, my first major complain, the filesize, for those graphics it shouldn't take up 11mb. Normally i would say its the fault of the music, but as i didn't hear any music, probably due to a bug, i can't say anything for certain.
The graphics need a lot of work, take the menu as an example, it looks like graphics you found out of google. You really should draw them on your own so that they will match each other. Find some tutorial on how to do them in a free art program or in flash.
And since i'm at it, i wouldn't do the game-graphics in flash, it would look better if you created pixel(as in drawn by a program like Gimp or Photoshop) art and not vector for it, since they are static graphics to begin with.
The programming seems to be okay, aside for the music bug. But, even though the falling speed seems to be realistic, it made playing it quite difficult, as you may take too long to fall...too be honest, i wouldn't know how to fix this haha.
As for gameplay, it's a nice idea, but not very exciting. When i saw the preview image and saw "space fall unlimited" i expected actual falling throughout the entire game, not just from platform to platform, staying in the same square the entire game.
Also some kind of score might be nice, so that the player gets the feel of having to surpass his previous score thus giving it a replay factor.

To sum up:
Add a score, make graphics that look good with each other, preferely not-vector graphics, and you should have a solid 4 star. (and of course fix the music bug) It doesn't take more from there to make it a 5 star game in my opinion.

SKINMAN123 responds:

Thank you so much for the tip I will make sure to look into that.

not terrible,not wonderful.but it IS only a BETA game

SKINMAN123 responds:

Thank you I know its not much.

Total rip of doodle jump(Just opposite)
Do not post BETA games and think someone will rate higher only because it's a BETA game.

SKINMAN123 responds:

Please note I'm not inspired by any other games, I can careless what you vote just as long as if its what you think this game should get in votes. I have been Taking this games development slow, this is actually the second update. I will also check out doodle jump, never heard of it until now.

- Every level were the same, no difference
- No music
- I didn't see were the levels getting harder or not, it just kept the same
- Dull

SKINMAN123 responds:

There is music but there was a bug we are trying to fix that but, if you stay in a level for at least 2 to 3 minutes you should notice its getting faster because I programmed a 0.01 increase in the scrolling speed. Just note this is a beta the next version will be released shortly with the features of:

A reset button and hot key,

New dying animation a.k.a, shakes the screen when you die,

3 new levels.

and more...

The game itself is alright, though i don't think the borders should also consist of insta death. Game is slow like you've said and it does get faster, but the pattern of the platforms is so one sided that if you play for awhile and get stuck on a platform and the next one you can get onto is one below you and you move to far over you instant death on the borders.

SKINMAN123 responds:

I plan to make it where if you fall of one side you will come out the other side, but thank you for your response. =)