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Reviews for "JUGGERNAUT: Awakening"

I love RPGs like this, and from what I've seen so far it looks like you've put work into the characters and story, but until you fix the problems other reviewers have mentioned, the game is unfortunately unplayable. The party should be able to withstand more than two battles before having to return to town to heal. It's as if you didn't even bother playtesting to see how ridiculously tedious the game would be in its current state. Why are the very first monsters you fight so much more powerful than your characters? Why are there no better weapons or armor to purchase? For that matter, why do the monsters not even drop any money? I will certainly play this game if you fix it and make it playable. Clearly in designing this game you were inspired by the classics like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy. You should use those same games as a guide for building the combat/item/stat systems as well. The original Dragon Warrior was tedious as heck, but it was a walk in the park compared to this. In short: concept and story - good. Balance and difficulty - absolutely terrible.

ok, the game looks nice, but there are a lot of issues as most people are saying, monsters are way too hard, it would be ok, if it didnt take so long to lvl up, or if lvling up would actually double your hp and dmg output, but it took me about 20 minutes to get from lvl 5-6 to see my hp go up by 10 and dmg by 1, seriously this isnt enough. the monsters should also drop more stuff, make it stuff we can sell because we need a shtload of potions, but cant buy any cause we dont have enough money, i think this game could be very interresting if we could actually play it. thx

Man, I'd love to play this. Too bad it freezes in the middle of the begining dialogue in the forest.

what is this, an alpha? it looks like the worst zelda/pokemon crossover i have seen and there's no way to save or see any info about your enemies

Seems like it would be a really cool game if you could save and continue later. The 1st time I tried to play there was nothing there when I went to load it again. The 2nd time I tried to play my saved game was visible under load, but a white screen was all that showed up when I tried to load it.

The idea seems really cool, and the game play is fun, but there is really no point in even trying to play until the save/load features are fixed.