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Reviews for "Newgrounds VAC 10 Awards!"

it is a nice very entertaining animation but more animation and color when showing the winners would have made it number 1, but I don't animate and I am sure that would take alot of work and alot of time to do.And wow this is a long animation nice job with making this. all of us newgrounders I am sure appreciate th time and dedication you put into this :)

Nice for a who's who. I'm glad it's in a video format, otherwise I'd never have found it.
As a fan of movies, I value voice acting just as much as animation. It's good to take the time and appreciate.
It's kind of like a radio drama with an awards show in it.

Hey dude, next time try to make it shorter, this was way too long and not really entertaining. Better luck next time bro.

Okay, my main complaint with this is that it goes on too long. I think it's the longest thing I've ever watched on the website since this new format was made. I appreicate you wanting to pay tribute to so many talented people. It's just that there should have been more motion. I know it's not about animation, but it would have been more entertaining. The voices are of course wonderful.

My favorite presenter was of course RicePirate. Speaking of prolific people, why wasn't Rina-chan involved in any of this? I don't see TomAto either (or however you say his name). I couldn't remember most of these flashes. As I have reviewed so many, I thought I would.

JaShinYa responds:

Yeah the video was actually a very last minute decision so the artist really pushed it out as fast as she could. We're planning on doing this again for the next contest, but will have a lot more prep time and therefore better stuff! Rina and Tomamoto weren't asked to do this because they never were involved with the contests (at least not since I've been doing them). Ricepirate entered in VAC7 and is obviously a great talent and all around cool guy as well which is why he was in this. Thanks for the review and I hope you like it better next time around!

haha woo!! go moonvamp! ;P