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Reviews for "Mak's Parasite"

oddly enough the cure for parasites is drugs, lots of drugs.

Another bloody "ironically over the top" animation. Whatever humor or enjoyment that ever came out of it has first: never appealed to me and second: now been done to the point where zombies in a flash are more original. But stale flat boredom wasn't enough for this animation it also had to be voice acted by someone who just wouldn't emote the whole time and spoke like he was having a stroke. Hell even if they got the best voice actor known to man the writing is still so poor that it wouldn't pry a thought from my head with a crowbar besides a list of ways I could better spend my time. But if the voice acting is the worst part the music and mixing certainly takes second as the music is dull flat and constantly heard like it's a song in a musical. Sure, I'll admit that it isn't so bad as to drown out everything but still it occupied a good third of my attention.
I'm giving you half a star because I know you at least had to put effort in the animation but the whole thing still feels like a knock-off of something popular but also terrible.


"Anything?.." - I knew. Distubingly ugly, once again. Amazingly animated and well drawn.
Good work!

The animation on this was FASCINATING.