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Reviews for "Feed Us 5"

While being fun, I found that the game had a few problems. The main one was that the lagging was terrible, and that I would constantly be thrown around in the water for no apparent reason, then I would die and have to restart. It isn't a bad game, but I'm giving it only a three and a half because there's some room for improvement.

Really good but it is way too hard to go backwards toward the lake.

nice game

Okay, this is a game with a LOT of potential, but also a few flaws. Let's start with the potential:
This is a REALLY fun game, I love eating the people, and your graphics of them getting eaten and the bird feathers flying are just great! It's a bit of a challenge without being FAR too hard.

Some of it, however, is a tad more challenging than it should be. For instance, it is nearly impossible to direct the fish and sometimes he boosts randomly, normally not a problem, a bit more of a problem when there are things trying to kill you underwater, like the lake. Arrow key directions would improve that. Also, there appear to be some issues with victims falling onto the sand where my fish can't get them. Controlling target focus and boost with the same click is frustrating. Early on there is a mute option, but during the game, there is no pause, and no "loss of window focus" pause either. So if you need to stop for a second either find one of the glowy things that aren't explained, or die. The collection of blood is achingly slow. I get that humans only have five litres of blood, but I'd like to pile that in a little easier. Oh, and a bit of an aside, is there rhyme or reason to the shark? He just sorta appeared out of nowhere. The fish changes sizes randomly and with no explanation. He is sometimes small and very fast, and sometimes fat and very slow, but this does not appear to be in relation to how much blood he is carrying, how much he has evolved, or how long he has been in an area. Finally, there is no real way to look at the current goals, you just have to change areas (which does not run smoothly, I have both clicked and swum off screen to change areas) and hope that it'll pop up again. I did my best to memorize them, but I forget things, and sometimes you have to deal with a dumb/forgetful player. We all have ADHD.

I gave it three stars. It's potentially a really neat game, but the failings, like the hard to find menu screen, make it hard to play. (menu screen is nauseating!) I think if you fixed the above, you would have an epic 5 star game!

Fun series. Still has lots of bugs and lag