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Reviews for "Hired Heroes Offense"

There is no ending. I grinded through 15 levels and you didn't even give me a congratulations screen.

The flaws of the AI really become apparent on the last level where you need them to attack specific portals and not just whichever is closer and losing levels from certain attacks is just sadistic, I invested valuable time into sending a high level unit into the field, just to have it stripped away from me by a single attack, simply infuriating.

Why do I lose 10% of my total skill points if I respec? What did I do to you Mr/Ms Developer? What gameplay purpose does punishing respec fulfill aside from "waste all of my time and make me question why I began playing your game in the first place."

This is not challenge. This is asking the player to be smart enough to not send a unit up against a unit of matching type, which doesn't even help anyway as you'll frequently see a melee unit fruitlessly bashing away at a melee enemy and ignoring the other ranged enemies it could easily kill in one blow.

All I ask for is a way to point units at the right targets and not pray that the AI decides to do the smart thing and target things it can actually win against.

Nice game! I like the level layout, reminiscent of old RPG games. The gameplay itself doesn't require much strategy at first, just click click click and take over the enemy base, but when the types of foes and friends alike start changing, it starts getting more challenging too. Nice music too, smooth and ambient, keep it going!


While not a great game, this was definitley playable. I was amazed at how easy it was for me to lose. You really have to do nothing bu put up more soldiers for this. The music is extremely suiting. I really do like the graphics. On the second level, I manage to get the enemy down to just one hit to kill it, but I still lose!

At first, I was thinking this game went too slowly. Now, I think it goes too fast. You know how to create some good tension. There seems to be something wrong with my keyboard now. I like all the unique designs.

How is this RTS? This is a variant of tower defense. no?

Tactically, there weren't really many options. Having all the units on the same timer really hurts your unit diversity when one level 13 infantryman takes less time as one level 2 black mage, and is so much more effective. It seems like there should be at least a timer for each pylon, since that's what the computer gets. You really should be able to get all the upgrades by the end without having to grind old missions at one point apiece.