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Reviews for "Ninja Virus"


Nice throwback to the Ninja Gaiden games for the NES.

Gameplay and Design:
The controls are solid. Wall-climbing is quite easi to do, although I wish you had some kind of offense while on a wall. The graphics look great, and the sound effects are done nicely - although I was hoping not to find anything ripped here, but sadlye, that was not the case. ): I'd like to be able to re-enable the special weapon, but if I deselect it, it's gone for good. When you get hit, there were two aspects I was observing here: knockback, and grace time after getting hit. I would say increase the grace time, but since you can quickly regain control of your character after getting hit, it seemed to balance out well.

I like the sound test you have, but it's more of a BGM test; inlcude all the sound effects in the game, too. (:
Your music sounds good, too. However, it seems like songs 5 through 8 are much louder than the other songs, don't know if that was intentional or not.

Here is where I've encountered the most problems.

1) At the start of the first level, I can fall off the ledge on the left side and die. If I simply try to move over there, the game keeps me from falling off. Butm once I scroll the screen to the right, then come back, I can fall off. It only happened in BL1-1 and BL1-2. It did not seem to come back in BL2-1.

2) In level BL1-1, when I'm in the water, if I run the to the right, then run to the left and jump, while continuining to move left, I get this message:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Objects::CCounter/setChildIndex()
at Sprites::CRSpr/handle()
at Objects::CCounter/handle()
at RunLoop::CRun/f_GameLoop()
at RunLoop::CRun/doRunLoop()
at Application::CRunApp/loopFrame()
at Application::CRunApp/playApplication(
at Application::CRunApp/stepApplication(

Other actions with my character in the water seem to also throw this exception.

3). When my game was over, I got this message:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Extensions::CRunNewgroundsGlobalData/
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatc hEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatc hEvent()
at com.newgrounds::API$/dispatchEvent()
at com.newgrounds::API$/callListener()
at com.newgrounds::API$/doEvent()
at com.newgrounds::API$/onCommandComplet e()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatc hEventFunction()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatc hEvent()
at com.newgrounds::SmartURLLoader/onComp lete()

This same error returns at the start of BL2-1. Here, a;; I have to do is run to the right a little bit, then run back to the left. The exception can then be thrown.

4). When I completel beat the boss of level one, I got this error message repeatedly:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Actions::CActExtension/getParamExpStr ing()
at Extensions::CRunNewgrounds/action()
at Objects::CExtension/action()
at Actions::CActExtension/execute()
at Events::CEventProgram/call_Actions()
at Events::CEventProgram/computeEventLis t()
at RunLoop::CRun/f_GameLoop()
at RunLoop::CRun/doRunLoop()
at Application::CRunApp/loopFrame()
at Application::CRunApp/playApplication(
at Application::CRunApp/stepApplication(

It eventually stopped, and the points tallying continued.

Overall, nice game. I hope you attact a nice crows with it. Good luck.

- Ziro out.

SinclairStrange responds:

Thanks for the review! With the bugs that give the messages, can you tell me what browser/flash version you're using because I and some of my friends can't re-create the bugs at all using chrome or firefox. (Send a message or somethings (= )

With regards to the other bugs (sound/falling off) I'll get onto fixing them. Thanks again for the good review! ^^

the game was good but not great I haven't played such a big various game for along time , but I think there was a reason that 8-bit nes games died and I think it was a good one ,I hated the weapon system (that I couldn't keep or choose from them) ,so I think it's a good game for 8-bit nes fans (like you) wich i'm not.thank you very much any way : )

cool game! i've only played a little. easy to play one-handed, though adding a WASD-CV option would rock (i could use the WASD keys to move around and hjam the CV keys with my thumb)

why cant i jump on walls

The graphics of this are pretty good. A little squashed, but dang good. I am a big fan of 8-bit music, and liked the Bad Dudes-worthy story. I was hoping you could choose to use a special weapon ala Gaiden, instead of making it default. I also didn't like the wall controls, but its a pretty decent time.