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Reviews for "Urbex"

Nostalgia glasses didn't fool me, this game is still just as fun and interesting. I really hope a sequel could be made, or perhaps it could connect to the Being One series somehow. I kinda wanna know what happened to our hapless urban explorer who may have ushered in the apocalypse, woopsie.

*BANJO nOIses)

Pretty sure I just ushered in the apocalypse. That's my bad.

Probably my favorite game from Psionic Games.

I was surprised at how long the game actually was, which was a plus in my opinion. I really enjoyed the grainy, realistic 2-D backgrounds that enhanced the atmosphere greatly. I enjoyed the B-Movie plot, while a little on the ridiculous side, still made some sense (using insects to solve world hunger isn't a new concept, look it up).

Also, I was impressed at how Psi was actually able to make a housefly (albeit much larger in size) appear scary and threatening. Quite the creative concept!

What I really like about Psi's style in storytelling is that he leaves just enough gaps in it to allow the player to fill them in with their own interpretation of what occurred.

All in all, a great point-and-click game that I will continue to enjoy playing every year.

The plot's a little unclear, at least as far as I read through it. The 'Stinger' guy had some deal with some group, where he'd bring saps like the player to the facility to get eaten by the fly-men...but who'd make that deal? I mean, how'd he not think this was weird, 'bring your friends to the creepy abandoned lab for us, we promise it's legit'

So clearly when he got tired of that, the flies killed him but...who was pulling those strings? Were the bugs themselves intelligent enough to swipe someone's phone and pretend to be actual people?

...'Solving food shortages', with fruit flies...I know they're common lab animals, and they're probably just testing the tech, though why choose a fly? I mean, rats are also lab animals, you'd figure that those would be more feasible if you're going to use it for food later.

Oh, well. Great, and I want to see what happens next really bad.