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Reviews for "Toothclock's PMP"

Man clocks suck

Jesus, don't you guys ever get a hint?? FUCK OFF!!

Toothclock responds:

I propose you do some contemplative introspection about the matter at hand.

what the hell was that!?!

I hope to god that you didn't spend a lot of time on that, because i'd rather be at school, and I hate school. Please make a better one, before I have a heart attack!

Toothclock responds:

Go play some GTA, kiddo.

Give a one-line summary of your review

Enter the body of your review below (4096 characters max). No HTML, please. Hahahaahaahahaa!!! ToothClock I think you need help, not, htnaks for the advice, I'll go outside in my storm trooper outfit more often now.

Toothclock responds:

Thanks for the great review! :)


suck it down.

Toothclock responds:

"I can't do it captain, I don't... have... the powah!"

short but sweet

I liked it. It is just one of those things that newgrounds needed instead of the usual crap that is put on here about killing people and stuff, not that im voting it down, but its a nice change of pace.

Toothclock responds:

Although some people wrote far more enthousiastic reviews than yours, your review had the most positive effect on my feelings towards my own movie. Thanks!