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Reviews for "Binary Boy"


Most of the level design utilized the simple mechanic rather well. The squid boss, however, was rather clunky, given that any part which required that you traverse left or right made the vertical scrolling pause awkwardly while it waited for you to cross. Completely ruins the urgency of it.

@Comanlot: I too thought the lightning was bullshit at first, but when I stopped for a second to just inch through it rather than moving too quickly, it was quite easy.

Data-Fidelity responds:

Sorry about the difficulty ultimatum! I recently fixed up the pirate ship hit detection to allow slow movement when "inside" the walls before being clipped by the walls, but it ended up being even more confusing. Binary Boy may just end up being as is. :(

Interesting, albeit laggy game. Not sure what's up there. I really dig the soundtrack and it accompanies the strange landscapes and overall bizarre setting of the game. I do feel that this ended somewhat anti-climactic, but to be honest, there really wasn't any major story going on here in the first place.

Fun and challenging. I'll be waiting to see what else you bring us in the future.

This is pretty good. The slowness is annoying. And even if it's just my computer, the fact that you have to wait for him to flip around all the way back to the last checkpoint is aggravating, and the fact you have to do it every time you start over a boss is even worse. I do want to say, though, original concept, done pretty well. I liked the sky backdrops more than the water ones, just because they made more sense with the idea that he's a binary boy. If you gave this a little story where he's stuck to the string and can't be detached from it or he'll die, that would be cool, because when I'm playing and he detaches from the rope, he dies. Pretty good job.

It's laggy on my super computer... not sure where the stustustutering is coming from.. ;(

Data-Fidelity responds:

I'll look into it, probably audio related.