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Reviews for "The Guardian"

This isn't just a game, it's an art and I love it.

when you learn how to climb, the game starts to be very interesting
I couldn't stopped playing until the end, I really wanted see the end of the history.
Could have better end and more presence of the soundtrack.
Love it.
(sorry about the bad english T.T)

thought it to be a cool game but it is not

Uhm were do I start... The game is okay, I guess. I have no problem with the art, or that u play a little pixel as character, no it rather fits the mood of the game. The gameplay itself is pretty easy u get used to it after a while and I do love platforming games, so I hade no problems jumping on specific points. My problem was that I.. did not rly understand the "unsructions and controls" ... I just had to try different keys to jump my way through this world and I first was confused about this number, telling me I have to find these giant berries.. Maybe a little more help would be good. The storytelling is good as well, I didn't feel like it put me out of the game. My problem ist just and that's the reason y I didn't finished it: The environment is just so boring... I have no problem jumping around little mountains but it's always the same... I don't get it y I have to jump to the giant like I don't know how many times =/ THAT put me out of the story, sorry. Well I do give u 2 1/2 starts, because I think the game is quite good and the story as well, although I didn't finish it. Next time something with a better environment and better instructions will earn u more starts ^-^

As an artist Myself, I Love art games, however just because you have an art game doesn't give you the right to make a shitty game. This is the problem with this game. yes i get the whole story of the guardian, yes I get that it is a artistic look of pixel art along with japanese haikus/ and or poems to tell the story, thats not my problem with this game.

This is my main problem with the game, at first I had no idea what I was looking at when I first started the game, Ithe text letters were very big so natually I would think that the character sprites where to be a little identifiable, however I noticed that I was a small pixel on a screen, for a while this was confusing, but I guess this is a way of self inserting yourself without the effort. I feel as though having your character resemble a pixel is very odd, and the controls are very diffucult to navigate such a small pixel. perhaps if it was a bit bigger i could care, but it wasn't so it completely took me out.

The narritive also took me out of the expirence, as well, having to stop the pace of the game to listen to the story was DREADFULL, in a game you always wanna keep pace, and this did not do so well

You're art is good and so is your story, now work on that gameplay