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Reviews for "The Interview Codex"

the shade man wps a 16 year old girl

deathink responds:

be he has changed a lot :P

I love the idea, so many interviews to browse through, a good interface, ambient music, and best of all, the ability to sort submissions by both name and date and views, but I think the interface could use a bit of a usability facelift. Maybe a list-style view of all submissions were you can actually see the names before hovering over a specific file? The way it is it gets hard to find a specific user, or to recognize a name you want to read about without actually browsing through the lot of them. The oldskool diskette layout looks neat but it's not very efficient, an alternative would be appreciable. Same with the oldskool terminal effect for the text, even in fullscreen it's a rather poor choice of font IMO to read full-length interviews in. Works great for titles and interface, but for the main content, would you consider a more common san-serif font? Just some helpful feedback I hope, great work otherwise!


deathink responds:

Thanks man. As for the "list-style" view, I originally intended that. But some of the interview names are very very long, and it kept messing everything up, so i opted to just have the interview number displayed because it was very short. As for a different font, when I showed the codex to the-great-one he mentioned that he would like the ability to have caps by using a different font, but I was obsessed with having it look like an old terminal using only the NEWGROUNDS font. But thanks for your suggestions and comments. you where right on the money about everything :)

This is actually pretty good, I enjoyed reading some of the interviews that you had with some people known and unknown by others, like Evil-Dog or DaGrahamCraka. Reading some of these interviews made me want to look up some of these people's work, I would really like to see some more interviews from others like from Envy or DrouxtheShredder (Voice acts in some games and movies like "Road of the Dead"). It still needs some work maybe some pixel art to add or whenever you leave an interview it remains on the same page instead of clicking back to the page you were on, it has crashed once when I was reading an interview but other than that I haven't seen any other problems, hope to see more interviews from others. P.S. I really like the music, it's really joyful and calming.

deathink responds:

Thanks man, there is a link in the game that will lead you to the official interview forum thread, where you can suggest members that should be interviewed :)
Check it out if you get a chance.

Neat little gadget, its nice to have everything in one place. For some reason my mouse wheel scroll wasnt working on the text. Not sure if its browser related, or not. I clicked on it to make sure it was in focus and still no go on FF. I didnt try on Chrome yet, but it wasnt annoying enough to do heavy research on it so yea. I wish there was a next / prev interview on the interior page. I just got done with an interview and maybe being able to go to the next / previous (assuming you only had sort by interview number at that point.) Loading a new interview and going back to page 1 after being deep into page 5 or something was mildly annoying. I feel you might be able to just fix that by putting a 'read interview 1xx' button maybe at the end of the interview dialogue

deathink responds:

Yeah, I broke the scroll wheel when I added the slider bar, i should have it fixed in a little bit. And I would really like to add a next button, I will have to see what I can do about that.

Mmmm.. Failout pit boy