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Reviews for "ZTV News Extra:Skullgirls"

what da fuck is wrong with you people ! he likes the game and's tryin to give them a little help !

Donated :)
Been subscribed and bought Skullgirls after i found them from ZoominGames xD

sorry it's not on pc

Solid animation, couldn't expect otherwise, but frankly I agree with The-Critical-W00t. Favoritizing (or whatever) should be enough for the followers of this series to be up to date with every episode, we don't need this kind of garbage in the FP. I don't care if it's not a paid advertisement, it IS an advertisement of sorts, nothing new or funny here, other than the couple of flashbang jokes and zone-tan and whoever it was crapping on each other, which is not worth a frontpage at all. Keep up the GOOD work, just don't do any silly episodes like this. Follow your instinct, someone had to think there was something wrong with this, next time just pay attention to that.

I've always loved the animation and zone-tan. buuuuutttt, it's pretty much an advertisement. :/