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Reviews for "Abyss"

i think the idea is great, the game itself is great. the soundtrack is quite enjoyable.
the only thing i would ad is the possibility of eating fish, despite the feeling of loneliness
good job, hope it makes to the front page

This definitely has an amazing amount of potential. Please don't scrap this idea, this is the foundation of a great game.

Excellent idea, but there are 2 issues: 1) The game needs to have a story/aim, otherwise it's not a game really, and 2) Make the screen thing bigger please or the angler fish smaller or something because it makes it difficult to control the direction the fish goes in :) But the idea is good!

a decent idea but its poorly constructed . no offense.

a few hazards like glowing jelly fish that trap small fish you could eat and kill you if you run into them drifting around would be nice and maybe a slowly depleating stamina bar afecting the lure max glow. it might seem even more empty if your not lucky enough to eat being darker

move in the direction of the mouse cursor if the mouse if not over the lure of the angler fish but when it flips mirroring the image it looks bad you should do a turning animation.

its almost all tweening it seems .a few frames for fish swimming would go a long way. maybe a 4 frame swim loop and a 6 frame turning it would look nice

if you can do a smooth transition for the lures glow pulsing it would help aswell

It's a strange and creepy game. I don't know whether it's my slow-as computer or the game, but the controls are a bit crooked. (Probably my slow-as computer...)