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Reviews for "Chaos Corruption! Chap. 1"

can you make in chapter 2 more attacks like uhm laser blast or something else anyway good game

Story: It looks like you really have something going on with this, I like it. However as a writer I HIGHLY suggest staying away from stereo types. The second I saw the girl character have a hammer I died a little, really, don't be afraid to make new weapons!! Also the characters are so... used up and washed out. Everything about this is stereotypical except for the plot, which seems interesting and I am eager to see where this is going to go, but you REALLY need to revamp these characters, make them more realistic! I haven't even gone past the little cut scene between Novolly and the other two, I just couldn't for the simple fact that the text boxes kept glitching out to the point I could barely follow the story, and the only reason I still understood it was because it was so stereotypical. I suggest looking at a gary stu and mary sue chart when planning out characters, and remember to be original, just because that's what your average main character is like doesn't mean Novolly has to be that way too! On the plus side I am again very interested to see where the plot is going and I do hope you look into revamping these characters. Rivals aren't necessary for a plot to continue.

Gameplay: Sloppy sloppy sloppy, while yes this is your first game, and I understand that, the close range attack is COMPLETELY USELESS, in the first fight I was getting hammered just for getting close to the guy and then I get a second to either run away or start to attack with close range which keeps getting cut off by the guys attacks. The only way to really do damage was to book it and shoot, then jump around him and repeat. It was interesting for the first few seconds, and once I figured out how to kill him with the gun it just became boring and very repetitive. I hope to see an improvement on this the most.

Animation: Oh. My. God. This has got to be the only, if not greatest redeeming factor to this game. I was blown away at the animation and fight scene, truly fantastic. I've seen rendered sprites distanced before, but that was just so beautiful. If anything you have a very good talent for sprite animation, truly remarkable. I hope to seem more of this in the future and hope you don't get sloppy in this like most people do.

Glitches: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! TEXT! WHERE YOU GO!?!?! This has got to be my biggest complaint for the simple fact of that I personally play games for their story. However I believe most would complain about the gameplay and it's repetitiveness, the disappearing text bothered me the most. Speaking of the text, I would like to suggest putting in a button for going for text box to text box, this allows slower readers to keep up and for people to relax and enjoy the scene instead of being on edge, trying to keep up with the words, and again, doesn't help that they're disappearing.

Ending thoughts: I hope you aren't too offended by this as that is not my goal in the least. I really want to see you improve on these things I've listed, and I am sorry I couldn't offer you more advice in anything besides story as that is my expertise. I definitely see a LOT of potential in you and look forward to seeing what you make next. Please don't give up doing this just because of a few harsh critiques, you have talent, and lots of it for that matter.

Novally responds:

Not offended at all. I love reviews that will help me. I understand everything you are saying and future games will be fixed. The animation was made by a friend of mine by the way. I am going to clean up the actionscript and next time I write a story, character build will be WAY better.

this is a good game their is room for a lot of improvement also seeing how this is your first game i must congrats its pretty good i look forward to your future games PS i love the sonic theme of the game

Novally responds:

Thanks you. The sequel to this will be better. I will explain the story better too.

Kinda bored me 2 be honest.

you copied the character from sonic cause it looks like silver with the mixture of sonic

Novally responds:

Uhh...okay. It is a Sonic Fan game...