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Reviews for "From Nothing"

Sorry, I didn't get the idea. But art and music were good.

A little boring. -1 for auto-pause.

There wasn't much of a story, there wasn't really an ending, and most of the later levels demanded no trial or error, which I found to be infuriating.

A nihilistic introduction gives way to a lackluster platformer that nags me like I'm 14 again. The floaty controls would be more forgivable if so many of the levels weren't so dependent on timing your jumps properly. As it stands, the protagonist handles like a fully-loaded freight train, and guiding him through some of the more convoluted segments is like trying to milk a caffeinated mouse while wearing boxing gloves. The game's message of not being too full of oneself doesn't state anything I haven't already heard a million different times from a thousand different sources. In short, excellent controls and design can cover for a near-lack of plot (just look at some of Nitrome's games), and likewise a great story can--rarely, and often with difficulty--make up for un-engaging gameplay (as with some point-and-click adventures). But putting both flaws in one game and calling it art does not a masterpiece make.

I wanted to like this, I really did, but the game itself just doesn't feel right. The artwork looked fantastic to me, I'm glad to see the pixel style making a comeback. The message the game tried to send was fantastic and the way it used the message as a game play mechanic felt innovative to me. The music was great as well, despite the single track that played.
However, the controls kill this for me. It's like playing Sonic '06 while blind folded. They jumps just feel too precise and the platforms react to being touched too, well, realistically, I guess. The slightest tap would send the platforms on a course out of your reach and results in having to restart over and over and over again, and to make it worse, some of the levels feel like I'm racing against the platforms, which just felt tedious, only to realize that I could never actually land on the platforms I was racing. I won't complain too much about the controls, though, because I'm sure you'll see that enough in these reviews, if you even read them.
The game was truly a great experience, had I only been watching and not playing, but such small seeming details really destroyed my rating on this.

Regards, PANChan.