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Reviews for "The Sagittarian 4: Bayou"

Great game... though medals don't seem to work.

Keep in mind that this is from the perspective of a foul minded critic, do not take anything harshly, this is nitpicking...

With the amount of gruff scowling retards moping about the popular television fads today, a la Lumbering Corpses or Cocaine Distribution featuring a stern bald guy, and you're damn right I'm still going to use that comparison otherwise I wouldn't be able to get my smug stiffie of the day, I'm not surprised yet another story about zombies has been made. However, the difference between those parades or self satisfied garbage and this parade of self satisfied garbage can be differentiated between one having decent story elements, and one that curses more than Samuel L. Jackson who developed a stutter, I wonder which is which.

The Sagittarian 4 is the latter, just in case someone reading this just received a bike pump through the frontal lobe. Good story elements come from pacing, enticing dialogue, and likable characters, and this game gets kneed in the balls at every thrust by yours truly... at the very least.

The story is paced like Speedy Gonzalez at an orgy on the other side of the continent, sprinting from the start and fucking things up one choice after the other, with bland choices at that. At times I felt that just clicking through the story would make this game at least somewhat bearable, though I still consider this a game as much as I consider Joan Rivers a person of natural beauty. I know art is hard, but if you could at least throw in some more panels to make me give two shits about the characters and their dumb problems I might give this "game" a higher rating. Speaking of characters, Anna gives me the idea that she's actually Rihanna who suffered from memory loss and couple aneurisms a few years back. One truly awful point in the game Dusty spews out dialogue and backstory left and right that I have less care for than if my dick got caught in an industrial size sawblade. The multiple choices and endings give nothing to the story and simply add to the play time, I can see through that facade of laziness.

With the incredibly bad writing, which I remind, is the main focus of the game (if you think it's art you're wrong, this is a story-driven game) at least make it somewhat decent, or hire someone who can make the players care. The idea of zombies has been done so many times the masses need to move pass this bullshit and get to some more original stories.

All in all, stop fucking cursing, that shits unnecessary and goddamn annoying. Bitch.

3.5/5 C+ see me after class

-Vicio Da Aldo

I WAS in a bad mood today...but then I had a crazy feeling that, maybe...there just might be a new sagittarian game. Now I'm considering pursuing a career as a psychic. My first prediction is that this game will be awesome...
Now let me see if I'm right...

This managed to be more entertaining than I thought. I was quite interested as to how there were different kinds of paths to take. I thought it was just going to be really easy and you would just get medals over and over. There is in fact a reason why these medals are labeled as "secret". While most of them you get by accident, you do need strategy.

I also felt that the artwork in this was really good. I just like how much depth you give to the characters. It reminds me of "The Walking Dead". Speaking of which, I just missed the latest episode! The sounds are nice and give off a good country feeling.

Awesome as always. :) It sucks that we can't save Dusty, but at least Anna can survive this version. Victory 2 doesn't seem like a great victory to me, all things considering. <_< Have you really been hit with a rock on multiple occasions? How does one get into those kinds of situations?