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Reviews for "Fluttershy's Bunny Rescue"

Very enjoyable and relaxing. Especially after an intense study session.

found an glitch:if you walk at the walls then legs start flashing
but great game too
5-stars good game!
but i have an question
when is going to be the real game of the pony platforming?
is it still work in progress?
please tell me cuz ur games are great and i cant wait for tht game xD


im an noob at making games :(
long review tho'
sorryfor such an long review *squee*

This game! i didn't think it will end like this, it was pretty funny how the bunnys ended up being in high place that's 1000 ft in the air, and that ending was just random and Un-expecting! well played! did a lets play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdZ9e9apC1U

my best was 497 sec and i found all the secrets

many memories with this one!! i always loved the way you can fly in this.