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Reviews for "Cool Story Bro"

I got all the medls except a secret one. I already got the bear one and the Jasmine one. How do I get the other one? BTW really cool and originail game although i felt like the edings were too much the same.

The first thing I noticed about this game was how it made me stop every time it had something to say. The second thing I noticed was that it would be, for the most part, an action choose your own adventure, which don't work. I'll explain why they don't work: A CYOA is not about having two choices, one of them continuing the story and one of them killing you. It's about making choices other than that. I don't want to be punished for trying to jump, and only then figure out that I was in an anti-gravity field. There was no way I could have known that!

Look at the game "Stealing the Diamond" for an example of an "action" choose your own adventure done right. When you die, you jump right back into the action, and you aren't punished for failure because each failure allows you to see a new result.

Here's an example of a choice I'd like to make: "You see a man lying on the floor, groaning in pain. Surrounding him are fifteen imps, closing in quickly. What do you do?"

As opposed to "go left or right?" without any indication of where they lead. If I go join the evil guy, why not make a path where I go around being evil?

I didn't like the art, but it wasn't bad. It was perfectly serviceable, and the aesthetic was alright. Pixels are good occasionally, and they were a fine choice here, but I would have preferred a different style.

I'm being harsh here. I think its because I absolutely love choose your own adventures and I've been waiting my entire life for a good flash game that properly captures its theme. One with dozens of multiple branching paths of vastly different variety. This game is not that. But it's close.

While playing a game like this, I want to feel as if there are so many choices I could never possibly explore them all. With this, I felt like there were just a few optional branches to choose from. It's a good little game, but not one I especially enjoyed. With a few tweaks though it could easily become my favorite game ever. As it stands, its an interesting time waster.

jdproductions321 responds:

Hey, thanks a lot for the review!

I get where you're coming from in most the stuff you said, and I'd love to make those fixes happen.

The problem is I am the only one working on this project. I did the game design, programming, art, animation, and sound design myself. I would love to put in LOTS more paths and choices, but as a college student who needed to get this done for school, I simply didn't have time. I more or less wanted to show what I was capable of making. If I get the resources in the future I will definitely try to make the more well rounded game you described.

Btw, since you said you like choose your own adventure games, you may want to play my other game :3 It may have more of what you're looking for ;)

the game style isn't bad at all but i would prfer doing everything with the keyboard because interracting with the mouse is kind of tiring

My biggest complaint is after completing the game once and winning...I can't go back to options I already explored. I don't know if it's a bug or on purpose, but it's rather tedious to have to get all the way back to where I've been to explore what happens when I choose to defend against the Nagathi, since I never tried it. Other than that, I had a grand old time with this. Good work! :D

At some continue points I reached a point where it was impossible to pass. For example, by continuing in the cave with the 3 imps, if you haven't picked up a weapon before entering the cave it is impossible to continue from that point. FFS give me more than 0.0001 second to let me READ the freaking options before telling me 'too slow you're dead!'