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Reviews for "Frantic 3"

Well, I want to like it, I really do, but there several things holding this game back.

1.) I have no idea what my hit box is. Is it a pixel at the end of my arrow? Is it my ship? Is it a box around my ship? If you don't know EXACTLY what you're trying to keep from touching stuff navigating patterns becomes simply a guessing game.

2.) Shields. You say the ships have them, in fact different ships seem to have different types, but you never explain how they work. As near as I can tell shields seem to be related both to how much damage the ship can take before losing health as well as how many 'lives' you have. What shield regeneration has to do with anything, though, I have been completely unable to figure out. Why would you add such a critical feature to a game as large as this and not bother to explain it so players will be able to use it!? It would have taken no more than a paragraph, or even a sentence, in the help section.

3.) Finally, the game is far too repetitive. I'm not asking for an in depth story line, or and story at all, but the difficulty progression is laughable. The first levels are too hard and, with the powerful upgrades available, the final levels are too easy. After just a few levels the repetition becomes tedious and it becomes more like hand-eye exercises than an actual game.

Essentially, this game is just lacking too much polishing to make it truly enjoyable. It is large, well built, etc. etc., but because you didn't bother to take care of the small things like making sure the bullets didn't blend into the first background and making the effect of upgrades clear this game is...frustratingly not as good as it should have been. The potential is obviously there, I wouldn't have bothered to write a review is I hadn't been impressed by aspects of this game, but as it stands this is just another bullet hell.

I am sick - absolutely SICK - of the ship hanging up when I accidentally move the mouse outside the window and fucking up a dodge. Please, please, PLEASE tweak the code so that it tracks the mouse outside the window. Apart from that, it's pretty nasty, but since it IS a bullet hell game I can't complain too much. But still, I'm knocking off 1.5 stars for a "bug" that is irritating as hell.

I have to say that the 3rd boss is easier than the second...

update the health, or delete it because everytime you get hit once you already die, update it

Frantic 1 was beginner's Touhou,
Frantic 2 was the most awesome bullet hell game I knew,
But then came Frantic 3,
I hoped the best,
But it turned out quite bad.

No rock music,
No black background,
Odd customization screen,
No working score submit.
Help had a wall of text,
No pictures to help out,

There were too many enemies,
Shooting too many bullets,
You could only take one hit less than you had shields.
More weapons, yes,
I did not see the different bullets,
Nor different colors for them,
No helping minions,
And the awesome spread attack I loved,
Was gone,

Liking the menu music,
The ship design,
Would it take too long,
To add nicer buttons?
Give a introduction?
Have a story?
There were 5 areas,
Each showed the boss,
I thought.
First boss looked lame,
Was that a ship?
I did not know.

I have no need to go further a few stages,
I do not expect much,
Same thing as Frantic 2,
Wanted to be awesome,
This failed miserably, for my opinion.

Sorry for the little poem, I usually do these to entertain myself.
Also, you probably can see what I am talking about.
I want some of these problems fixed.
Maybe all of them.

For my opinion this is unfinished,
Did in a hurry,
Would need maybe some trophies,
To attract more.