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Reviews for "The Rose is Blooming"

Not a bad game overall, but the amount of super zombies is rediculous. Running into 5 or 6 in a row. saying screw it go to a different place or rest a day or two, and still get another 4 or 5 of em in a row. I would change the amount od ammo that you drop from running from them. In game you find 1-5 at a time but you always drop 5 bullets when you run.

528 days
112 food left
30 bullets
0 medkits (blame that super zombie)
It's a overall good game, the thing is you need really good luck at least the first 35 days, gathering enough supplies and find good armor.
It's not 5/5 because you can't kill the super zombie, that's kind of unfair because I always drop the "medkit"
And needs more kinds of zombies.
My tip: DON'T TRAIN! is a waste of food, and you gain HP when you defeat a certain number of zombies.

This is a very enjoyable game for the first 15-20 minutes.
After a while it begins to get a little repetitive, although that comes with any game.
I'd recommend more combat music, and maybe some different lines for the zombies attacking. A few more random events, and a different outcome for what you do with the crazy man may boost interest throughout the game also. All in all, very solid game. Keep it up!

Nice but repetitive game,
I never fought a zombie till I got at least 100 days. I was killing zombies in 2 hits all the way up to 500 days. When I reached 500 I noticed that one hit was no longer dropping them down to red. I never used training so I decided to train 20 times in a row. BAD IDEA, zombies turned from 2 hit kills to 4 hit kills.

Pretty basic game, but actually quite addictive. I played a few times last week without much success. Didn't get much further than 100 days. Today I'm on a roll and can't see myself ever dying. So far 510 days, 22 food, 36 bullets, no medkits but 55 total health, great weapon and armour. I'm gonna take a break and pick up where I left off another day.

Would be great to see a sequel with a bit more story, more music, perhaps upgrades and other characters that join you like in the Last Stand. I like the autosave option, as I need sme sleep!