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Reviews for "Mad Princess"

It looks nice and I like the idea but its not that fun.

This is a rather decent game you have here. The game play is pretty well put together, the sound, and music is nice to hear, however there are a few minor problems with it, to be more specific the Agiles. They're quite over powered with the ability only be killed by bombs, crossbows(which they can easily walk past) which almost never kill them, and the ball and chain trap, which you almost never have access to, but also happens to be the best defense against them. Another problem is the Final wave, which usually takes you less than a minute to lose, an endless wave of enemies flood the stage, make it difficult for you to hit, or kill the boss, and easily break any defenses you have built up to defend your self with, leaving Agiles to once again sneak past your cross bows costing you the entire round. After a few hours of consistent failure to beat the final wave I eventually lost patience with it as I figured the final wave is impossible to complete. As I've stated before the game itself isn't that bad, there are just a few sharp edges that could have been rounded off.

AdventureIslands responds:

You can read the correct solution for final boss from walkthrough:
http://electricbluemax.newgrounds.com /news/post/811778
(remove spaces)

Pretty good, although I noticed a damn annoying glitch where an enemy can't get damaged by multiple traps at once. It's basically the only reason I can't beat level 11. I would lay some spikes, then an arrow, but for some reason a few knights weren't always dying as fast as others. It sours the experience when I realized the only reason that knights weren't dying consistently (usually 2 arrows after spikes, sometimes 3) and agiles were barely getting through was because of a glitch, even though my strategy SHOULD have been working. Also, placing spike traps close to each other or using a slope to have many traps stacked up at once. This will cause all traps touched by the enemy to become damaged BUT the enemy only takes damage from ONE trap.

I can't even play the game because every single time I click it opens up the creators twitter page..
if this narcissistic problem didn't presist throughout the entire time I tried to play this game, it could've been enjoyable. I like the concept and the game looks and sounds fun but with my every click screwing me over, I can't give any better of a score than this..

The hit detection in this game sucks so hard,that if you place 1000 bombs at the same time,only 4 will actually do damage.Thers too few weapons,and the stages arent fun,simply a choring puzzle.