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Reviews for "Super Hero Clock Teaser"

It was pretty cool, but some of the visuals like the door opening or the realistic photography backgrounds are a bit too jarring and contrasted for my tastes. Some of the animation also seems to lag slowly at certain parts like when the Clock guy is looking from the rooftop. Otherwise, the concept is interesting and the animation is pretty alive instead of stiff.

very much reminds me of kingdom hearts.

I'm going to be critical here, but only because I want this series to be good. There were a lot of wonderful things about this, like the voices, the 3d rendering, the after effects, music... I could go on telling you what you are already aware looks/sounds good, and I won't. One of the first noticeable elements that I felt let this down was the depth in the characters when compares to their surroundings. This does improve during the video as your using shading and lighting to make them appear not so flat, but that's lacking at the beginning. Perhaps you were making this trailer and improving as you went, and that's great. But I feel you should at least go back and deepen the opening details to the quality of the last 20 seconds of the teaser. Another Item that you may want to address reletive to this is the colour set. You have dark scenes with a very bright pallette for your illustrated subjects (like the playing card at the beginning was the first thing to catch my eye). If you get what I mean, certain things stands out for the wrong reasons.

Where the voices are fantastic quality, the lip sync lets your cast down. You relly need to reassess all the vowles, tongue, tooth and jaw movements you need for convincing speech. It's not like the lip movements you have done are wrong, there just arn't enough variations of movements compares to what your characters are saying to us. I know what others that may have read my previous reviews may say... 'But loads of people have limited mouth movements and you don't say anything about them'. ...That'll be because a lot of similar things I've reviewed/commented on doesn't have the potetial this does, and I want to do my public duty to help make it right.
This may be a sensitive topic now, and it really is my Opinion alone here, but I was in two minds about watching this video all together, because of the title. I know, 'Don't judge a book by it's cover', and its true I shouldn't had, because this was good! But my thoughts only, but 'Super Hero Clock' is a really lousy title. I think you might lose a lot of potential viewers because of it.

So... Depth, Lips, Title. Those are my areas of negative nancies for this. Open those files up, tweak them and re-release this Teaser. I can bet you will have even more positive feedback. Loking foward to the first episode. Don't let the tiny details let you down! ^_^

Jess-The-Dragoon responds:

I understand and accept your comments. Thank you very much. Currently, I'm a one-man army at doing this. The only help I get are from voice actors. So I know the quality of some parts will have to suffer. :P And also because of that, I'm using anime-style lip sync(open/close mouth movements only). That is much easier to do.
As for the title, I also thought of changing it to something else better but then it has been 'Super Hero Clock' for the past 6 years. If i changed it, those who know it as is would not be aware of it.
But anyway, thanks for watching.

great animation but it is kinda late dont you think for a sudden show about super hero clock? plus i think this was a tribute to clock day so is it a show of its own or not? in a nutshell what im trying to say is why? just why it just feels kinda late you know. overall four stars good but not fantastic.

Music is what makes this great.