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Reviews for "SkullFace"

This is an amazingly well done game that deserves more recognition. The only thing I didn't like was that a lot of times the jumping felt a bit off. I still beat it, but I wish that the challenge of the level didn't have to do with how precisely I could press the spacebar.

other than falling off walls when you're trying to wall jump this platformer handles perfectly

graphics and music are all top notch as you already know.

I haven't beaten it but I got up to the level where you get the jet pack. Very, very good game. Perfect controls. Simple art style and so far no lag. Obviously Meatboy inspired but you do enough different things to separate the two. No complaints here. Great game. And I would buy a Steam release.

As a Super Meat Boy and N fan, I give you all my 5 stars, Sir. It's definitely well put together, gameplay, aesthetics and sound wise (I especially find this important, something that SMB is stellar in).

If I were to mention something I'd like to be improved is to have the jump height range being wider, especially being able to have a lower minimum jump height added to the jump mechanics. 5 stars, regardless.

what an underrated game. the visuals are great, it's balanced really well, a lot of thinking obviously went into level design.
small side note: the mechanic that you jump higher after landing on an enemy when you run faster feels kinda bad