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Reviews for "Falcon Punch Joke"

Man! Good artwork and good audio! All in all, a great throwback to my Nintendo 64 days of whoopin' a$$ with Falcon Punch!! Stupid Kirby!

dude this was hilarious and even though a lot of people thought that the art was terrible i thought it was really good

Made me laugh, very nice done man.

Keep it up!!

Those nipples... His nipples are majestic.

Speedo responds:


You sir, are a genius! I'm 28 and when I grow up I want to be a great cartoonist just like you! Did you watch a lot of ren and stimpy as a kid too?

Speedo responds:

lol "when you grow up", i'm 10 years younger than you man haha. BUT DON'T LET THAT STOP YA!
And actually no, Ren And Stimpy came and went before I even knew it existed. But a couple years ago, when I was about 12 or 13, I went back and watched 'em all, then the Adult Party Cartoon spin-off series a while after. Alotta people think that sucked, because it took away the "magic" from the original series, in the sense that alot of the humor from the original series came from the messed up imagery and over-kids-heads adult jokes slipped in to each episode. So when APC was chocked full of cursing, explicit violence and nudity, people thought it just wasn't the same. I for one thought it was even better. It's kinda like... if APC never happened, and someone made an adult parody of Ren And Stimpy, THATS what APC would be! It was a parody of itself, in a way! So yeah, I DID watch alot of Ren And Stimpy, and cite both original and adult series as big inspirations