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Reviews for "War In Minecraft 1"

Honestly very creative take on Minecraft. I was not expecting to be pulled into this little short so quickly. Great concept and I hope this series takes off and you're able to do a lot with it! Please keep going with all the crazy acrobatics and stunts. Hopefully when night falls and the monsters come you'll add some really great combat too! I'll be following this series if the sequel is as promising as the 'pilot'.

Kinda grainy and the voice record quality was not the best, however I am looking forward to seeing this story play out. I like the unique idea you've got here and hope to see it fleshed out as you share more of the story with us. I just hope you don't loose interest and never finish.

Do you have a rough ETA on the next chapter?

Wow! This is pretty amazing! Kudos to you. Your animation style is very fluent and nice looking and being basically a beginner at flash (assuming thats what you even used to animate this) I can only begin to speculate on your process... Anyway this is simply a breath of fresh air as far as originality goes, especially considering it's yet another Minecraft toon. This deserves front page as far as I'm concerned. Can't wait for the continuation! 5/5, faved and faved, and I'm definetley interested in checking out your other stuff. Cheers!

Cool animation and effects, but felt sort of ripped off after being left with a "to be continued...maybe if I feel like it later".
Seriously, though, cool animation, great style.

I think the concept is both creative and interesting to watch! I am usually sceptical about Minecraft based films and movies as they are usually if not always parody. This was a refreshing dip into a deeper Minecraft. I love it.