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Reviews for "The Hut in Ayre Forest"

great game I guess but if I die it moves me back to the hat rack and gameplay freezes and the only thing I can do is jump and not move. Tried it several times keeps happening.

wise words

im noticing sticky keys

I played this game,it's quite good,ll try to make a decent review for you guys.

Music: 4/5

The music felt nostalgic and right for the game enviroment/time period,whoever made the music have great potential that is for sure,sadly the game was short,i would personaly enjoy more if it would last longer.

Gameplay: 2/5

The gameplay was simple,there is nothing wrong with simplicity but there was something that annoyed me,the knockback effects are none existent,when hitting or getting hit should put a knockback motion on whoever is getting hit making the gameplay more fluid and easy for anyone to play the game (Not to mention it makes more sense to see the enemy fly backwards,not teleport).

Personaly that kind of "teleporting" defies gaming logic,for your game a small knockback or somekind of stagger would be good,otherwise the hit detection and fluid movement/attack motion was good. *btw it wasen't an insult*

*Minor complaint* I notice the text do not change when you backtrack after you killed the wolf,making that part of the game seem like "what the hell" for some reason.

Storyline: 3/5

Nothing too special but satisfying enough,it's more of your classic "hero save the princess" kind of thing execpt it's a brother saving his sick sister with no parents,the plot to get the antidote is ok then have to get 2 more stuff to trade for the antidote,if the game were longer i'm possitive the storyline would be more interessing ;) *Yeah,my only complaint is the game was too short*

Graphic/Artwork: 3/5

Surprisingly i find the graphics good but i'm quite demanding when it comes to side scrolling game graphics,the artwork was good,the ending with the sorta "ancient brown paper" felt nostalgic,but it could have been a bit more detailed,the background is there and reconisable,the HUD could have a bit more detailed as well but it's ok for this kind of simplicity.

Also,when you kill the enemy they explode,i admit it caught me by surprise when i saw that,maybe ll use a stick to make something explode in real life =P *Just kidding* perhaps the explosion is a "bit" too much.

Overall: 3/5

Not bad at all,if you guys make a sequel,i'm sure it would be even grander with the flaws out of it and more time gameplay available.

Also on a nother note,for making a game in 36 hours is impressif,i've seen games that took longer to build but they were dreadful,if you guys take your time i'm sure it would be even better,good luck to your crew ! =)

P.S: I apologies for my poor spelling and gramartical errors in this review,i'm self aware of it -_-

Lol, I didn't bother looking at the rating. I almost thought something scary would happen once she drinks the antidote. It was a cute game; I think with some hard work, it can be something even grander, something like the Hansel and Gretel game or the Alice series.
One thing though, I kept glitching. Every time he died and was resurrected, I could not move. The game wasn't responding to me pressing the arrow keys, I could only jump and swing my weapon. (Un)fortunately, I'm super stubborn and replayed the game about 2-3 times to see the ending.

Oh noes! Baba Yaga!!!