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Reviews for "Hunt of HORROR"

Simply put: I love this! I just played for about 10 minutes. Can't wait to share it with my horror-loving friends. Perfect Halloween distraction for horror nerds everywhere.

deathink responds:

:D it sure is!

Spotted a ton of references. Some harder than they should be but I like the hints you gave. Only a couple stumped me, mostly Zelda and Monkey Island because I never played those games. Disappointed that there's only 100 because I spotted quite a few more like the Zuni Fetish Doll, the Warlock from Warlock Armageddon, Patrick Bateman, Scanners, etc. Some of those were already obscure and why not have some foreign horror references like the Zombie from Fulci's Zombie, the Witch from Suspiria, the Vampyre from Black Sunday, The chick from Audition, The Deadly Spawn, Jennifer from I Spit on Your Grave, Krug from Last House on the Left, etc.

Good stuff though.


Loved it, was a ton of fun and loved how varied the references were. I am going to make one Nitpick though: One of the questions was to find "Klaatu from The Day the Earth Stood Still" yet I was looking around clicking on guys in suits saying "I see gort, but where's Klaatu!" and then it turned out Gort was the answer. Yeah, shiny metal robot guy = Gort, not Klaatu. Klaatu was his master. Just sayin'!

So haaaard! But I love the art itself though!