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Reviews for "Salem"

It's not difficult, simply blast anything that glows to get through it, in future games add a few more enemies as it is basically just a boss rush mode, the graphics and music were very well done though and the story is very interesting. Maybe even add items and some sort of upgrade system in the next one.

awsome game if you are going to continue itmay i suggest a weapon that dosnt suck.lol and yea some shops would be good. i mean afte a while it fels like it gets linnear like the last 3 fights barely had any minions just bosses.and alittle better controls felt a little lagy at times when i tried to fire and then duck but the relode speed was horendous. and like i said to look behind you youlitteraly had to move and it would be awsome if you can jut move your courser behind you so you didnt have to

The game is great. I love the voice acting, and Zipp is certainly a lovable character. However, frequent lag and sluggish controls made me frustrated. I didn't find the game hard (Though I would have had the bosses more spread out.), but it was the controls that gave me frustration.

Let's hit the good, because what's good here is VERY good... the production values. These are amazing. All around. We'll skip the graphics and move to sometimes-under-appreciated areas... music and voice acting, both of which are great here. The music definitely evokes Castlevania SOTN in all the right ways... and the voice acting brings some solid performances. Often voices in games on NG are... ugh (sorry, but... yeah), but this game does great there.

There are some minor... well, not so much complaints, but... the closest I have to a complaint is Anselm's oddly-limited aiming range. I don't really see much reason for him to not be able to fire straight up, but it's not a terribly important thing.

I would like to see there be more non-boss-fighting. The lesser demons are dispatched with astounding ease, and the zombies aren't terribly difficult. And then the back half of the game has pretty much no non-boss fights at all. A greater enemy variety and longer levels would push this game even further into greatness, but the production values do mitigate that... I don't feel like I'm playing an "incomplete" game. Just that there's room to expand in the sequel now that the harder work is done (and done well).

Sadly, I have to drop 1 star because of a game-breaking flaw... control lag. Sometimes Anselm does just keep going, right into something painful. Sometimes my aiming cursor weirds out... ESPECIALLY when trying to draw the pentagrams. It was especially awful the first time I hit the final boss. I spent so much time fighting the cursor, which wanted to slip off in random directions, that it was impossible to get the pentagrams drawn before my lamp fizzled out. I ended up just quitting and waiting a day to come back to it, I was so annoyed by it. No lag that time (ONWARD! achievement unlocked, baby), but still.

Still. I'm really looking forward to see what's coming next. Lil more non-boss level and fighting, fix that mind-of-its-own-sometimes control issue, and you're so gonna have 5 stars.

Does anibody can help me hear im a little bit dumb by asking this but could you please let in the comment or answer me how to get the >not very good at this are we and you forgot chu please i know it sounds stupid but i would really appreciate your' help for this thank you and see you soon!.

OdellAtkinson responds:

Fail the lantern tutorial. <3