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Reviews for "Salem"

awesome game my favorite boss was zip and you all know why! :D

hell yeah i keep playing and playing and playing just to get the medals and take your time to do salem2 i support u

how to finish the eye boss!

The first time I played through the game, I was completely immersed. The soundtrack, the noises, the little twinkling lights, the color schemes, the amazing background artwork...it all melded together into a gaming experience the likes of which I have seldom seen.
The soundtrack and color schemes set the main ambiance, since they pervade the entire game. The general feeling was strong enough for me to ignore any minor problems I had (such as Sellie completely not sounding like a guy who's never fought suddenly coming to a city where there's a body of a dead guy right in front of him) - all potential flowbreakers disappeared before the majesty of the sheer EXPERIENCE. I beat the demons, got the gir- demon-ish thing, and saved the world. All well and good, and solid gameplay throughout. Zippy is The Mentor That Betrays you, oh gosh I totally did not foresee that at all what with him not bearing any resemblance to Loki whatsoever, but the voice acting actually managed to sell Sellie as surprised, and kind of sad, kind of like a child finding his pet bunny had posted embarrassing pictures of him on Facebook. And this completely fits in with Sellie's naive character, which undergoes some actual CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT during the story, and not in the direction I expected, either. Altogether amazing, and better than almost all major budget games I have played (story-wise, not gameplay-wise). The clumsy control of the crossbow actually accentuates the fact that Sellie is kind of new to this and got the crap end of the stick as weapons go, and although I don't know if this is intentional, seeing as all other pieces of the game are masterfully crafted I don't doubt that this is so (the no-shooting-while-jumping was a good indicator of the clumsiness attempting to convey realism and background rather than easy gameplay, although I may be reading into it too much).
The second time I played through it was to examine it as a game. I passed by Zippy completely at the beginning without attacking him, and he gave me the lantern - loved that that was an option! Choices through gameplay FTW!
I noticed the moving upstairs panel in the library, and it struck me how rare it is in a game to have a room dedicated only to character interactions and atmosphere that isn't a Safe Spot - you don't know what you may encounter, which makes it a stressed situation, and gives the interactions that extra oomph of people (or whatever) opening up in danger.
Based on the final credits lines, I decided to do nothing in the fight with Zippy, and was thrilled when he doesn't kill you but leaves you at 1 life (like he said!) but was rather disappointed that the only option was, at that point, to use the lantern. If you use it and cut it off, though, you can move around and jump onto him and nothing happens until you use it again.
When he's trapped, if you go off to the sides, you get stuck in a loop (I shot a bolt and came across it again soon), and you need to restart - Mmm.
LOVED his dying 'woe is me, I am slain' act - I thought it was overdone the first time, and the medal name slightly gave it away, but after not fighting him at all it's so much better =)
I tried to get past the big black sluggy thing without shooting it, but couldn't - ah well, it makes sense I guess, not a problem. My problem is with what came later. The big black ghost chases you, oh noes must run away...but if you don't, it damages you a bit and then waits for you to get up again.
I think it would be a better idea to have you die immediately if it catches you. From both a gameplay perspective, an immersion perspective and just plain common sense. I walked right into the jaws of death (literally, perhaps) and get "a little bit hurt"? Erk.
All in all, though, one of the best interactive storytelling experiences I've ever played. Fantastic job, everyone involved! Onwards!

So lemme get this straight. You're a demon hunter who has no way to actually hunt demons... as if that wasn't bad enough, your only way to combat demons is to use a weapon given to you by a demon. LOL!

A great game, Tarienn and friends. Fun story, hilarious demon companion, and one of the few mostly bug-free games here. The only bug I had is in the swamp level. After I captured my pal Zipp with the lantern, I decided not to kill him and walk away. As it turns out, you can never actually get back to him once he goes off screen. This required me to go through the battle sequence again, which I was perfectly fine with since I realized I could ask more questions (Just one question...)

So let me know if I have this correct, and I'm guessing for most of it. Zipp is in fact a highly ranked demon as he states. The lantern he gives you is not divine in any way, as it feeds off of the energy of lesser demons. The last demon you encounter also seemed to siphon some of its energy throughout the battle to make a shield for itself. It is my assumption that Zipp gives you this lantern in the hopes that you will defeat the greater demons and siphon off their energy as well. This energy in turn is given to Zipp to make him the most powerful demon in the land. He seems to be the only demon that is not bound to the Roots of Hell, therefore he is using the energy you're collecting in the lantern to stay anchored to this realm. That also explains why he is nearly always around you, for he cannot survive here without the power you collect. A secondary reason he's helping you is so that he might eventually be the only demon in the human realm. If this were to occur, he wouldn't have to have any kind of power struggles among his own kind for rule over the human population.

...But all of that's okay, because Zipp is awesome ^.^
5 Stars for Zipp!