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Reviews for "Collect"

An interesting twist on the evolution games. However there were some big flaws. Correct me if I'm wrong but there is nothing telling the player what the evolution options actually do. I had no idea what Learning meant at first. The biggest flaw was that it got VERY repetitive VERY quickly. It got extremely boring very early in the game. Apart from those rather large flaws it's an alright game, but not good enough to counter the big flaws I'm afraid

A considerably great concept but terribly executed. The idea was fine, and the gameplay for most part was good. My two main peeves about this game are
1.) It does not allow you to save, so it makes it inconvenient if you have to stop playing to go do something important. It does not matter if you are level 20 on all the Distance, Bouncing and Learning Skills, it will reset back to the original stats if you quit.
2.) The repetition gets extremely tedious and takes the fun out of the game. Games are not supposed to be chores. Real life exists for those chores. However when you have to repeat every single level from the beginning every time you die in a game, it is not fun anymore, it just gets boring, and unnecessarily demanding.

Concept-wise, it is lacking. It seems you had the general idea of collecting crosses and evolving, but for what reason? There is no purpose. Maybe if there was a purpose for all that repetition then it would have been bearable. Checkpoints would indeed be useful in this game, it will further improve the concept.

This game is not good as it is. It is extremely lacking. The lack of a mute button is also a problem. The music could get annoying repeatedly playing over and over.

On the plus side, the graphics were good, and fitting for the simplistic concept of the game. Overall, the game is just a shambles. It's a concept that's not fully-realised. When I saw the 1-star reviews I thought the game could not be that bad. Well, it was not that bad, but it was not so good either.

Concept - 4 stars!
No saving - Minus 2
No mute - Minus 2
No story - Minus 2
For 48 hours - Plus 4

Sort it. Then it shall be immense!

This game started off so well. It was an interesting concept: you start off incapable of progressing through a series of levels, so you have to evolve, grinding as you get further and further in the game, evolving faster and so on until you've beaten the game.
Here's where the problem begins to arise: Your ball leaves a trail as it travels, which is projected as a ghost track the next time you reach the level. If you look carefully at the track, you'll see it shift slightly. Most people would use this ghost as a reference point when firing their next ball, but doing so in this game will cause the ball to take a slightly different path. Since this physics-based game calls for precision, this slightly different path is almost guaranteed to veer away from your target. And then IT leaves a ghost on the level.
Now some of you would say this wouldn't matter, you'd just nudge the ball's aim to accommodate. My point is: you shouldn't have to. You're compensating for the programmer's mistakes. In a AAA title, this would be inexcusable. In an indie game, this would be inexcusable. In a Ludum Dare exercise, it is still inexcusable.

A nice idea ruined by the execution. The biggest and most obvious faults:
1) No mute button
2) Have to play the same levels dozens of times to beat the game
3) Doesn't save progress.

Fix those and the game would be a solid four.