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Reviews for "Xionic Madness 4 Part-3"

Oh my god... don´t have words to this; "epic" just doesn´t fit... this is more than that, more than anything I ever see in a long time.

Reasonbly epic conclusion and good final to the series. However...

I've been watching all these episodes since they were first brought out and I enjoyed watching the animation style, aesthetic and skill grow as episodes was released. Each instalment thrills and delivers the action and drama that the fans want.

As an animation and technical point of view there are still inherent flaws that haven't been improved much beyond more character artwork and detail. As I've stated in my review on your previous episode, I touched on subjects regarding lighting, voice clarity, audio levels, lengths of chapters, stage depth and flow. All of which have been improved lightly since then but I feel not enough to the degree of a final instalment.

Lighting and source lighting (where a light source illuminates surrounding objects) has only been lightly improved since last episode and could have been greatly improved to aid with making things look brighter. Tip, make more things get darker as something gets brighter (such as the lightning strikes in this episode) more often to give a feel of human eyes watching the episode and not a "virtual camera".

The voice clarity, most importantly, has been improved from the first time voice had been added to the animation series which is great to see and hear. Voice levels and audio levels (loudness) however are still very poor, making it almost impossible to hear some words. On the opposite side of the spectrum , it's almost impossible not to hear some voices, e.g. the heavy breathing of an injured character. The discomfort felt from an explosively loud breathing sound effect was uncomfortable and embarrassing to hear. Focus greatly on having the music only slightly audible, sound effects marginally louder and voices always clear and present. Take notes while watching a very professionally made action film as to the levels of audio and music. It's more important than you think. Also, add more moments of near silence to break the constant high of heavy metal and techno. The juxtaposition helps add lots of depth. Less is more.

Stage depth and animated layers need to be utilised more to give a much more wider aspect of depth and realism to the area. Perspectives on some objects were clear however a flat, single toned background flying past the screen almost as fast as the foreground was unrealistic and difficult to watch. All the moving background information going to the viewer is a lot to take in, making it harder to appreciate the effort and skill going into weapon/character design and motion. Look into and research layers and backgrounds.

The flow was more coherent in this episode than others, yet due to the vast complexity and sheer number of effects, moving objects, music, sounds, voices, huge animated detail on characters and weapons and moving objects (i.e. when the flash player is paused but things are still moving) the actual flash player lagged and slowed down at times, breaking all feel of motion, sound synchronisation and constant advancement. If a character or object is moving too fast to see normally, don't use the fully drawn one. Simply make a motion blurred version of it as a single picture and send it across the screen. Make sure that visual efficiency is high at all times by reducing completion on screen so the flow of the animation isn't broken.

Don't be discouraged as every animator and animation group has their flaws which are ironed out as their work is released by improving their techniques and getting help from others. I've enjoyed the series and I'm sure many other viewers also have and we've been lucky to have had such an enjoyable series. I hope this information helps.


Never better, it was like watching a real cinema and was worth of all the wait! A glorious end and a whole new beginning!

That a good way to end the whole series have lots of awesome scenes, awesome character and an awesome story.

Can you write a book using this story?

This Was an amazing story the story was very touching indeed i hope you make more