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Reviews for "Wikishits"

I like it, but i'm a ibt confused as to what the actual pun was...

The thing about wikipedia is that you can't trust it completely. I mean, when I want to read about mythology for example, one place it tells that one good is married to one goddess, but another place it turns out it was someone other he was married to. Very confusing...

So yea.. you have to double check with polite sources too. Like books, etc. I actually got surprised to see that Hercules is not described as a Greek demi-god, but as the roman adaption of the Greek demi-god Heracles. So information can be good too. Since movies and tv shows named the demi-god wrong, I could imagine wikipedia do the same error, but no. They did it right.

This is an interesting little parody or I guess satire. Not on Wikipedia, but people who abuse it and will copy and paste a whole page from Wikipedia to possibly look smarter. At the end it also seemed to take a small shot at those who abuse Kickstarter as well to gain funds for things they could probably do with little to no funding at all, in other words just basic donations. So the synopsis of this story is interesting. The delivery I find to be a bit crude and not in an entirely good way. It's going for just straight up shock value and that's pretty much it. I believe it could have been handled better.

The design of the characters I liked, however I didn't like the lack of effort put into the Facebook page. I get that it's not the focus of the short, but some fun could have been had with that. People love background humor and you wasted a chance at having some. The animation flowed very smoothly from beginning to end, the pacing was done very well.

The music choices from the Audio Portal were both great and kudos to those artists. The sound effects were also done very nicely. The voice acting, although crude, was done spot on, kudos to Omahdon as well.

All in all this wasn't too bad, it has a nice comedic message, and is paced well, but it's delivery is where it falls apart. Nothing too spectacular.

|| Cheers ||
*Great Artwork
*Superb Animation
*Superb Sound
*Superb Music
*Great Voice
*Good Story

|| Jeers ||
*Story - Concept and Pacing Nice / Delivery Bad

Dafuq? When I saw this guy start vomiting shit, I became very confused. However, it was a great animation.

it was okay