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Reviews for "Stable Boy"

I really love this game, very fun. Most of my issues have been addressed already, so I won't go listing them off, but mostly it was just a bit too glitchy. I killed the dragon over the pond and couldn't retrieve the tooth ;_; I know I should have been more careful, but it was still really frustrating!

Loved the humour and reading the dialogue between the villagers.

Had to play twice but completed with 104% and 52/50

I'm not too sure if it's a glitch or not but I did not that after changing scenes or going through a dialogue. pressing 'A' would not work until you clicked to move first slightly and then 'A' would offer a target again.

Keep up the great work!

The graphics are pretty cute and the game is (at the beginning) entertaining. However, the textes are a bit long and boring, but what really lead to this bad rating are the controls. Often, when I hold 'A' and then click somewhere, instead of shooting, my character goes to this point, which obviously leads to death. Even the mouse pointer becomes a cirlce, which tells me that I'm about to shoot.
The good part is that I don't have to start over from the beginning of the level, because it's automatically saved after each action done. But the lack of reliable controls is just too frustrating to make this game enjoyable at all.

where is the lute

REALLY GOOD GAME i lieked the quests and exploring but im stuck with bones, a sack, 3 tokens , and i returned butternut. wat to does now..................