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Reviews for "SS Mail - Meaning"


While I may not agree with everything you have said, there are some very realistic and relevant concepts here. This is something I'm going to favorite, always nice to have that reminder.

Yeah, some of the stuff you said had another, but similar perspective to mine and there is some people that are looking for this kind of stuff, but not me, and also newgrounds is NOT the best site to post this (you are more prone to recive offensive responses) I'll look into other of your stuff tho

Now, disregarding that Martian Atlantis stuff... which I'm sure you've been heckled enough already, the message of looking into oneself and find something far more rewarding than just superficial monetary value, is nice to hear, even if it's ridiculously unrealistic in the CAPITALIST planet.

But what I find distasteful is your disregard for "bad news", do you presume if you just turn your head the other way the atrocity in front of you wouldn't happen? Had the Allied forces shared your ideals, we'd all be typing German right now!

Finding peace within oneself is to come to terms of your surroundings, accept it, and do your part to improve it, guided by conscience and selflessness. What you're preaching is to simply ignore it, and would that solve anything?

Great men are remembered for their courage to ACT in righteousness in the face of overwhelming opposition, not for hiding in a cave and live in his own lovely fairyland. You speak as one who had everything handed to you, and never faced anything as harsh as those who have to fight a living for themselves. Do you imagine if you ignore it millions of children won't die of starvation in Africa?

Despite your love-for-all approach, in reality you are simply selfish and put your own happiness above reality, removing yourself from society as it is, and contributing nothing to the world. Think on that.

Most of the video delivers a very basic obvious point and passes it off as "spirit science", a strange oxymoron. Stay away from those who make you feel negatively, strive for a real, instrinsic goal. If you didn't know those life tips, wow you are behind! So what is the worthfulness of this tab as you say to examine? Not much for most people.