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Reviews for "Running Warrior"

I only played for about 15 mins. It wasn't bad, but after spending about 8 retries upgrading my character, I stepped on a statue and was switched to a different character with which none of the upgrades applied. Then starting over as there is no option to switch characters, I had to upgrade all over again just to get anywhere. All the while, going up levels and making enemies tougher.

Smooth game play.
Decent upgrade system.

Game is a bit glitchy.
-Sometimes the controls don't work.
-2 x right to run doesn't always work.
It is too easy to miss a platform when jumping even slightly too early.
It is really frustrating to have to start over from scratch, every time a new character is gained.

I find this type of game to be much more fun if you are able to actually control the character, not just time the jumps, attacks, etc.

Also, having the option of continuing from the level where you died would be a plus.

This game has a lot of potential, but it's really a let down when you're actually penalized for progressing through the game--halfway thru the map and you stumble on a new class (which you have no idea what it will be) and then bam, you're stripped from double jumping, dashing, and adequately defending against unbeatable enemies, and you're likely about to run out of stamina too, forcing a restart. Some of the class abilities are questionable too, the archer's normal attack costs coins to fire an arrow? Then an "upgrade" is a knife attack that doesn't do anything to "!!" enemies, it's a waste. I stopped playing after that class because I didn't have the patience to get to a newer class later in the map, the game's pacing is too slow. Instead of a double-tap to dash, the walking speed would be better off permanently increased. It's a decent concept with really attractive graphics but until these flaws are fixed, I feel discouraged from playing further :(

The game has a lot of potential but unfortunately it doesn't really deliver.

-Awesome and very eye catching graphics
-Very smooth animations
-Good leveling and class system

-Horrible collision detection
-Frequent level restarting gets very frustrating
-Sounds and music leaves a lot to be desired

Game is very slow, it frustrating when you die, and you really need to fix the attack cause I can clearly see that sometimes my sword hits the enemies but doesnt kill them -.- but the game is addicting so you've made it fun

Although this game is a good time waster, it's not exactly fun to play. I have no real issue with the default class, as it plays like I would imagine a basic class. However, the other classes that I've unlocked can use improvement. For the priest, if you're gonna make his heal cost 10 coins, then make it heal a little more. The archer... is just atrocious. His arrows cost gold and can't kill the enemies that are considered too strong to kill with normal attacks, yet his knife is just the same as the knight/squire's; not to mention the arrows don't hit the slimes from far away: you have to be at point blank. When I first unlocked this character, I literally couldn't kill anything with it, and his arrows costed so much gold that it took way too long to unlock the knife just so I could kill things and keep my money. The monk is... alright I guess, but his unique attack was useless when I first unlocked him. Well, useless except for the beginning portion of the game. Otherwise, he's just really weak, especially when you start to encounter more and more powerful enemies that can't be killed by basic attacks. I haven't unlocked the other classes yet, but you should probably do something about the ones I've mentioned.

For the shop, it's alright for the most part, but the randomization is frustrating at times. Particularly when it offers me items that I don't need. You should make it that it always gives you the opportunity to buy healing items and make the other two randomized; in my opinion at least.

The Upgrade system: misleading. What I mean by this is that the upgrades don't really feel like upgrades (for the characters I've unlocked). This is especially so when I'm spending money on abilities I've already unlocked in another class. Perhaps you should make it that some upgrades are carried on between classes so that way you can make some more creative abilities. This would also make it that, when you change classes in game, you won't die immediately (seriously, I've died shortly after every initial class change because I no longer had abilities I've already unlocked... wtf, man? wtf?).

Anyways, as I've said before, this is a good time waster; but in its current condition, it isn't what I would consider a fun game to play. However, that doesn't mean you totally suck at game making. There are just balance issues and various other problems to fix, like with any other game.