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Reviews for "The End"


It started out promising enough with a creepy atmosphere, no story, and what looked like an apocalyptic setting with a mysterious ghost girl that I supposedly needed to follow. I was willing to look past the pixel graphics if the game played well enough. So here was my thought process:
"Here we go! Off on an adventure! What's that? Oh, it's her tombstone! Lovely! Now what am I supposed to do? Oh lookie, the bar on her grave fills up every time I kill one of those pink slimes. Lets fill it up. Oh cool! I just unlocked her as a playable character! She's waaaaay better than the sword dude. Let's explore some more! Yay!.......
What do I do??? Where do I go??? Wtf is happening??? I've been walking around forever!!! Uuuuuggh........"

Everything looks EXACTLY the same! I have no idea where I'm going, I see the same sprites over and over, I'm killing the same sprites over and over, I keep going in circles over and over, and I'm freaking tired of the same thing OVER AND OVER! Here I am killing these god-forsaken pink slimes while I'm wondering if there's anything besides these stone fences copied and pasted all over the map. There's no game play here! It's just walking around while pink slimes hand out complimentary health pick-ups to make myself feel slightly better about playing this game. This is called bad conveyance. The player should never feel at a loss of what to do. This breaks the immersion and flow, making the game monotonous and a boring chore. Moving on:
"Holy crap I found something that's NOT a slime or fence! It's a person--- CRAP! I accidentally killed him! Was I supposed to do that? Did I just mess up? I don't know! SOMEBODY GIVE ME SOMETHING TO WORK WITH!"

Well I figured out that you're supposed to kill him and you unlock him by finding his grave and sacrificing slimes over his grave to appease his god and you get this nifty teleport ability that leaves a flame trail behind you. It sucks.
So long story short, I find the switches and drag all the characters to these switches one-by-one. "Finally! I may get some story now! Here goes! I'm putting the last character on the last switch!"
Screen: The End.
"....... Are you serious?...... That's it?....... All that for a 'The End?'......... JHGWOPEGHPGHPWRIGH!!!"

This game had SO much potential! If the landscape wasn't boring, the enemies were varied, the heroes had more abilities to make them more unique, A STORY, and maybe even a few bosses, this would have been great! But no, you settled for less and now the players are suffering for it. This game is not fun at all. What I felt like I was looking at here was an unfinished game that was hastily put together. There's no story, no game play, nothing. It's just an endless march of death.

Final Verdict:
Visuals/Animation: 0.5/1 Star
Sound/Audio: 0.5/1 Star
Game Play: 0.5/3 Stars
Overall: 1.5 Stars

zinkinteractive responds:

This was my first 48 hour game, so yes, it's rushed and totally confusing at times. But I learned a lot in the process and from comments like yours.

While I already know a lot of what you are saying now it's still helpful and actually somewhat heartwarming to find that somebody cared enough to take the time to write.

It was a way too ambitious project for a one man 48 hour game (those hours include food, sleep, actually figuring out the ideas etc).

Thanks for the comment!

Sorry, I can't play this at all...with games like this, you need to make it more attractive...mainly the colour, less mysterious and the sword should have knock back and easier to decipher hit animations. I don't know when I'm hitting or when I'm getting hit. Combos and jumps are a plus.

rsbuddy is right all you do is kill pink monsters

wasn't fun, boring, no storyline.That decribes this games

I dont get it..... but good try because it better than anything i could make