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Reviews for "Scraps"

i think it would be cool if there were a sequel to it one where you had to fight instead of just jumping and running. it seems like it would be a cool like post apocalyptic megaman type game.

Hi there. First and foremost I'd like to say that I have really enjoyed your other works and trough some part of this game, I was just being excited thinking about Sagittarian 4, without actually paying much attention to this game.

The first line that caught me was the one... I believe it was "Sometimes I dropped the dishes" or something of that kind, so then I got curious how much more depressing will this story get. Ironically, it was sadder at the point when only an emotionally inept robot was involved. Of course this is not the level of storyline you'd normally see in your other games, but me not being too jazz about platformers is cool with what it has.

My problem was that most of the game was just tedious jumping trough some rather bland and repetitive zones (Excluding a few key parts) to get to the next part of the story. Two texts sometimes came up at one time, kinda mixing together, for example when you stand on the pressure plate or whatever it was to see your first hologram of a human.

Anyway, I do realize that this was for teh lulz and a test apparently, so don't mind me and make Sagittarian 4 awesome, with gliding zombies and all kinds of other cadavers.


Well, not so artistic, not so schocking endind. Just i feel like i waste my time.

Pretty cool, I expected more at the end though. Great graphics except for the small cave bit! :)

I was pretty confused by this game because I really had no clue what was going on in it. You didn't give any directions on how to beat it in the author's comments. It uses the basic controls, the arrow keys, I believe. I thought maybe you were supposed to advance to the next level by falling down, but that just kills you. At least it looks nice. It would have been better if there was some music in it.

I guess the title is supposed to represent how the world is in ruins or something. Whatever it is, I couldn't understand it. I guess people more into Stencyl and your games will like it more. At least it manages to be a fairly unique experience. The colors are nice and vibrant here.