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Reviews for "Battle for Gliese"

The game is okay. Graphics are good except for the enemies. They look rather funny.

Overall, it's okay.

That was irritating.

gonna be frank with you,
Sound 3
pretty bland over used sound. honestly to me it didn't sound original to me but I might be wrong.
Music 2
decent song but got really annoying after the 5th wave. I mean a victory tune or something after a wave would be nice. but its the same song on loop for the entire game. More songs would be really nice. And/or a mute button, if there was one i did not see it.
Graphics 4
everything looks pretty nice but you have so few different mobs you have like what, 5/6 different enemies for 30~waves kinda gets boring.
Gameplay 2
way to easy. I felt there was no difficulty curve at all. it was basically Charge in and kill shit and get the shield powerup and lather rinse repeat nothing to difficult. Combo'd with the lack of weapon diversity and customization. You basically limited us to 4 weapons. Pistol,machine gun, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher. Needless to say the Rocket Launcher was satisfying to use I felt that the price should be raised to say 300k or 500k because honestly its well worth waiting to get the addition 10k to buy the gun. by wave 20 I had EVERYTHING unlocked and all perks gotten (exception is the 1m death clock). The weapons were quite bland. each gun was basically a slightly more buffed version of the last. Honestly i dont know why i played this till the end. but i did. and was a great way to kill 5-6min. And as Serpent stated This does feel like a rip from another game, Not going to say it was Crimson land, because i cant entirely remember but something like that.

To improve this I would add weapon upgrades, IE perks/attack/pierce/rate of fire/etc etc
maybe more perks, or be able to pick certain perks again. (IE 1/2 health to kill all). Or upgradable perks? More music maybe? defiantly more weapons. You got something started but i would build off this, maybe add a story and use that to allow for stronger/better/faster upgrades (see what i did there?). Hell you got a good title. why not give a story about why their attacking or something?

I like watching things blow up as much as the next guy, but this game had way too many problems.

First, what was Gliese? Was that the rocket launcher's name? Because I never saw even one single Gliese, but once I got the rocket launcher the game was, mercifully, over in only 5 more rounds. In fact, not only did the game end too late, it also started too late. It took until Wave 9 until things actually became a challenge beyond running in a circle and shooting into the pack. Actually, from rounds 9-20, it was a pretty intense game! If the sound had been more than a 15-second loop, and if the enemies had done anything interesting at all like shoot back or follow me, it would have been pretty damn good!

If you had a better AI, better sound, even the faintest semblance of a plot, and balanced the game so that more than 11 levels were actually challenging, you'd have a winner!

This ame was actaully very simple. Until you get the upgrade for longer lasting and more frequent item drops you run in a circle witch makes the enemies a fish in a barrel, and after words you can pick up the sheild and just slaughter-there have been times where a lot of them would drop and I'd be invincible for the entire wave. The prices are quite steep for the guns and ints really not until the end can you atcually get rapid amounts of money and soemof them arnt really worth it with the reloading time and/or short clips. At the end I had all guns, all talents and I deid zero times.
The many-on-one genre may seem daughting, but it's not hard-again you can heard them by walking in the circle. I'de off how to makes this more diffcult, but I'm not sure you can. 2 stars though for at least keeping me entertaned for about half-an -our.