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Reviews for "Brofox Assault"

Can i get the song from the replay screen?

Loved it man, it was funny and had decent voice acting and jokes, hope to see more from you.

I find it weird that ppl compare it to Egoraptors work, if you think about it everyone draws like this or similar to it when hey have little experience even myself. Even Ego's animations have steadily evolved over the years to what they are today, Ican only hope that you Evolve into something awesome as well :)

Keep it up.

Sorry ahead of time for this, but I had to give you a less than stellar review. You say that Egoraptor was no more that a great inspiration for you video but I have to agree with other posters that this particular video really is an enormous copy. I am a huge Egoraptor fan as well and I see almost everything in this video as being taking right out of his back pocket. The eyes brows, the different voices, the timing of humor, the close ups, the lip movement, the facial expressions, the chaotic animation style. Even the way the "thanks peppy" and "cool" lines were presented were nearly exactly the same. And the scene where fox get's blown up may as well have been pulled directly out of Metal Gear Awesome. And I'm pretty sure you knew you were copying him because of how defensive you get in all you responses to previous reviews. (yes, I read them. I am actually interested)

Do not get me wrong. I'm not saying you are a poor animator or bad writer. For those very reasons I can't in good conscience give you a 0. You are right that Egoraptor doesn't own the rights to loud and vulgar humor but he did create a style unique to him. You don't have to copy his style in order to use your favorite type of humor. Honestly, I would have been less bothered if you had said up front it was an tribute to the Awesome series, instead of saying it is a completely original work, because it's not. The script and animation is original, everything else is a copy of someone else's ideas and style.

Best of luck.

Brojack responds:

Thank you for not giving this a rating of 0, and I'm glad you have taken into account my counter argument to 'the egorapture'. Again, most of the things you've listed above are a matter of style and preference of the author, and not a reference to egoraptor's work. The lip styles and facial animations were created to convey emotion as best as I thought possible, as exaggeration is a large part of my sense of humor, and is also, unfortunately, what egoraptor is known to employ frequently in his work. Eyebrows and voices only serve to increase this exaggeration of emotion, as I find small eyebrows not very 'eye catching' and rather emotionless. Timing is not something you can steal my friend, it comes naturally and if I could steal something as important as timing, I'd be amazed as that would take talent. Close ups are a frequently used part of animation, and serve to further exaggerate voice or facial expressions, creating a more comedic impact if those facial expressions or voices are funny. I took most of my inspiration for close ups from chaotic cartoons such as ren and stimpy and spongebob squarepants than anywhere else.
as for the final one, chaotic animation style is not something you choose to do because someone successful has done it. You have to have a natural knack for it and that's exactly how I learned to animate, so I won't change my style just to avoid critique.
The scene where fox gets blown up, well. I was shocked to discover that similarity as well. I had no idea that the scene I was creating was almost identical (which it is) to a scene in metal gear awesome two, and I apologize for this if it ruined the scene for you.

I'm glad you're interested in my responses, as I am also interested in various opinions like yours.

The reason I am so defensive on the subject, is not however, to try and hush up and deny the fact that I am an egoraptor copycat, which I am not, it is to let people know not to be afraid of creating whatever you want out of a piece, regardless if someone else before you has already done so. I had fun making this, and if people enjoy watching it, then that's all that matters to me.

Thank you for your consideration and I will always aim for better with future pieces.

This animation is awful.

wow fucking egorapter much... XD
just kidding , great job!!!!!!!!!!